Random Favorite Mount choosing Ground only in Flying Areas

The Summon Random Favorite Mount is broken. If you are using Steady Flight in an area where you can fly, it still defaults to any GROUND ONLY mounts and refuses to switch to a flying mount that is usable in the area. If you are in Skyriding, a Skyriding mount will be summoned. Please FIX THIS!!! Not everyone wants to use Skyriding 100% of the time and having to un-favorite my favorite ground mount is super lame! Correct this to be accurate and only default to ground mounts when in a ground mount only, ALL flying mounts when in Steady Flight, and Skyriding mounts when in Skyriding. It’s very simple. Multiple people are reporting this and y’all have done nothing.


This is still an issue as of the morning of 9.17.24 before reset.

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