Random mount button only choosing ground mounts

This only happens on one character (that I know of, I’ve only tried 4 so far). This character is level 70. I have plenty of flying and skyriding mounts favorited. I’ve tried toggling between skyriding and steady flying. I’ve disabled all addons. If I manually select a flying mount it works.

It’s the character I’m posting on, Ditters.


I have the same problem when the following conditions are met:

  • I am in the Dragon Isles.
  • Steady Flight is enabled.
  • Using “Summon Random Favorite Mount” button is used.

This will only put me on ground mounts.

Note that any favourite flying mounts will still fly correctly in the Dragon Isles when they are summoned directly, not via the Random Mount button.

Note also that this still seems to work as expected in the rest of the world, i.e. flying mounts / ground mounts are summoned correctly via the Random Mount button depending on the area the character is in - just not in the Dragon Isles.


It was happening to me in my garrison, Stormwind and Valdraken.

That said, it works for me now.

Edit: spelling

I’m currently playing in remix:

The “random mount” button is only selecting ground mounts and/or mounts that aren’t able to skyride. It won’t select my favorited skyriding mounts.

In addition, when I’m in steady flight it will ONLY select my Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier; it won’t select any other random mount. In Timeless Isle, I believe it was selecting random mounts as intended, though.


I assume that this has something to do with the fact that the Otterworldly is marked as a steady flight only mount.

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Good that it works for you now but that is not a solution.

I still have this problem, so for me this remains unresolved.

Today, it seems to be working (at least in remix). I’m getting random mounts as intended in either flight modes.

*EDIT: Just kidding, it still is broken and going back to randomly choosing ONLY my otter mount.

*2nd EDIT: The random mount button seems to get stuck/break when it hits the Otterworldly Otter. A work around seems to be to mount something else, and then it goes back to random.

I am also having this problem. Only get ground mounts if I’ve switched to steady flight, and then switching back to skyriding it continues summoning only the ground mounts while on the dragon isles. haven’t left to try elsewhere, but the only fix I’ve found is manually summoning and not using the favorite mounts button.

For me Summon Random Mount seems to work randomly now.

For rest areas outside the Dragon Isles, it seems to change, depending on the toon and whether steady flight or skyriding is enabled. Sometimes it summons only ground mounts and sometimes it does not. Outside of rest areas it still seems to work as intended.

For the Dragon Isles it generally summons only ground mounts but then sometimes seems to start working after sitting idle for 10 minutes for example. So if it does work, it is very unreliable.

I have this issue on all my characters no matter where in Azeroth I am. While in “dynamic” mode it works as intended. When switching to “steady” mode and after it picks the first ground mount, which it wouldn’t even do before, it will only choose ground mounts there on out.

Now it’s coming randomly on different characters.

Happening to me too, in the Dragon Isles and in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. I haven’t been outside those areas to check elsewhere.

Behaviour seems to be completely random today.

It started by dropping me off my flying mount when I logged in over a capital city, i.e. I could fly in the location before but could no longer when I logged back in.

Summon random mount also only summoned ground mounts in the rest of Azeroth now, not just Dragon Isles.

Edit: In case this has not been mentioned - this is without any addons. Addons do not seem to make any difference regarding this problem.

My random summon is only summoning my Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier as of today.

have teh same problem only ground mounts in steady mode

I’m having the same issue. Problem only arose after I switched to Steady flight mode, but persists if I switch back to skyriding. Also persists through reload and logout.

This is still occurring on all of my characters, I switch to steady flight and I then either have to remove all ground mounts from favorites or be stuck with ground mounts. Also mounts like the battle turtle which SHOULD fly, don’t. Any updates?

Happening to me to… Hearthing back to Valdrak fixed it.

Still would be nice for a fix sometime soon, but small indie company and all, so I will forgive.

Got the same issue here. Skyriding, everything works as expected, only flying mounts get summoned in flying-capable zones. Steady Flying mode on, only ground mounts are getting summoned via the random summon button. Manually mounting a flying mount works as normal.

It’s pretty annoying. It seems to affect random mount macros for summoning via addons like CollectMe, too.

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+1 Also experiencing this issue in early access. Random Mount worked correctly with dynamic flight, but once I switched to steady flight, Random Mount only summons ground mounts. Issue persists (only summons ground mounts) after switching back to dynamic flight.