Summon Random Favorite Mount doesn't work after switching flight style

After Switching Flight Style, the Summon Random Favorite Mount will always summon Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier, even when I swap to skyriding mounts.

I have 120 mounts on favorites, 71 of them are flying mounts.

This means when I switch to Skyriding, I will need to either summon a specific mount or reload before summoning, because the Otterworldly Ottuk is a steady-flying only mount and I risk falling to my death on take-off.

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Mine will summon a flying mount once after I swap to steady flying.

After that it seems to pick ground mounts even if I’m in an area where flying is allowed.

It’s incredibly frustrating that it’s still bugged, I almost wonder if they changed it on purpose.

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I was just about to open a bug about this, cause it happens to me too. Switch flight styles, first mount is fine, but the second is always a favorited ground mount

Same thing happens to me


Still broken, now it’s summoning ground mounts after I swap from steady to dynamic.


I discovered that it was happening after I would enter a ground mount ONLY area such as a building. I could mount and remount a flying mount all day long as long as I never crossed into a ground mount only section of the world. From that point on, no matter if I logged out completely or not, the summon random favorite mount button in steady flight would ONLY summon ground mounts.

Switching to the dragonflying or whatever it’s called now allows the button to work right, but if I switch back to steady, I’m right back to ground only.

It’s like the ground mount only zone sticks to my character.

I experience the same thing. After switching to Steady Flying, my favorite mount button defaults to only ground mounts after switching back to Skyriding. Once set to Skyriding, logging out and logging back in again fixes the favorite mount button.

Blizzard, please fix this. And also make the Switch Flight Style button instant cast :wink: - don’t be mean. The 5 second cast is unnecessary.

Having this problem since patch. Has Blizz acknowledged it yet?