Summon Random Favorite Mount does not work properly anymore

Pre-11.0.0, the Summon Random Favorite Mount would do two things if the favorite mounts contained only ground and traditional Steady Flight mounts in zones that did not support Skyriding:

  1. It would prefer mounts that support Steady Flight when making its selection
  2. Said Steady Flight mounts would actually fly

Now, it chooses the mounts from the list in any order and the mounts do not consistently allow flight. Using the “Mount” button directly in the Mounts UI on the same mounts works properly.

Edit: there was also a bug that caused your previous default setting to not be saved across relogs or certain kinds of zone changes. This appears to be fixed (i.e., if you choose Skyriding, it will stay that way until you change it.)


I’m also having an issue with Summon Random Favorite Mount, but slightly different.

It ONLY summons the Otherworldly Ottuk Carrier. Even if I am in Skyriding mode (which Ottuk Carrier does not allow), it summons this mount and turns it into a ground mount only.


Bump! I’m having the same issue. Summoning random favorite mount summons only ground mounts when steady flight is enabled. I almost jumped off a cliff thinking I was on a flying mount… sad.


Same behavior for me on SOME characters, it’s only summoning Otherworldly Ottuk Carrier. Some characters it’s working fine. Very strange behavior. If I remove the favorite on that mount it only summons ground mounts, even in a flying zone (My WOD Garrison, with flying unlocked years ago.)

Edit to add - another observation - the Ottuk is only getting the old speed of a flying mount, if I manually summon a different flying mount I get the new buffed flying speed, but the Ottuk specifically is not getting the speed increase.


Had this issue after using the toggle to get back to skyriding. I am using the mountjournal addon, I disabled it and put the original summon random favorite mount button, not the one the addon puts in. Seems to solve it.

Edit: Nope! Have that issue again, had to select a sky riding capable mount first and then the ottuk calmed down.


I’m also having problems. It will only select ground mounts while I have regular flying selected. It works fine with dragonriding, of course. Too bad I hate that minigame. :frowning:


Chiming in to report that I’m having similar issues too - when in Steady Flight mode the Random Mount button only wants to pull up ground mounts even when flying is available in my area.


I think we should be able to set a default mode as well. 99% of the time I use Steady Flight (when milling around a city, for example), and only use Skyriding when I need to get somewhere distant. Having to switch it back constantly seems unhelpful.


I’m getting this issue as well. When I switch to Steady Flight I ONLY get ground mounts from the Summon Random Favorite Mount, regardless of the zone I’m in. I have to manually summon a flying mount in order to fly.

It’s rather frustrating and I’m confused as to how this was never addressed before launch.


doesn’t make a difference which mode I’ve selected - Summon Favorite Mount- regardless of where I’m at summons only ground mounts.


On this character, if I try to use the summon random favourite mount button it will only summon ground mounts, regardless if I have steady or skyriding selected. So far it hasn’t affected other characters.


Am having the same issue too. It seems to really be random now, as oppose to before, where it would summon Flying > Ground. Haven’t tried under water, not sure if that part is broken too.


I’m experiencing the same issue mentioned above. I’m only getting ground mount summons when I have Steady Flight activated. I’m not a fan of Sky Riding especially when I’m leveling and constantly need to fly from place to place. Blizz, please fix this.


Same issue but also if I unfavorite all my mounts and try the button, which says if none are favorited it will use your whole collection, I get an error saying I have no valid favorite mounts.


This! I thought I was going batty. Mine has been doing the same thing. I thought I had fixed it by turning it off, but it reverted to just summoning ground mounts, no matter whether I have sky riding on or not.

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I swapped from sky riding to steady and only get ground mounts. I swap back to sky riding, i only get ground mounts.

Why not just give us 2 Favorite buttons, one to summon a Favorite Skyriding mount, one to summon a favorite steady mount. A 5 second cast + 1.5 second cast (mount summon) is too long.

EDIT: To add, when you fight Tindral Sageswift, you CAN’T mount, It doesn’t matter if you swap to sky riding.


Just adding in I am also seeing this issue.

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This also happens to me if I switch flight styles from skyriding to steady. It doesn’t happen immediately, but it seems as soon as the ottuk gets summoned from favorites once, it just gets stuck on it. Logging out and back in fixes it.

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This issue has also happened to me. A relog has so far fixed it but it is awful when it happens. Unfavorited it for now to see if the issue pops up again

Adding my $0.02. Zero addons enabled, still happens. Swap flight styles and Summon Favorite will eventually only pull ground mounts. Doesn’t matter which flight style is current and I do not have the Ottuk mount others have mentioned on my favorites list.

Relog is the only fix I’ve found.