Summon Random Mount not working in old flight mode

For various reasons, I prefer old flight, but now when I use my random mount button, it just summons my Otherworldly Otter. That’s the ONLY mount it will use, none of my other 642 mounts, just…that one.


I’m having the exact same problem. If I select steady flight, I only get the Otherworldly Otter when using “Summon Random Favorite Mount”. This appears to happen regardless of zone (haven’t tried them all, but all I have tried it works this way. If I switch to skyriding, then it selects a random mount as expected.

Same problem here, only Otherworldly Otter!

Same here and now it only summons ground mounts when I switch back to Skyriding mode too.

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Same here, just ground mounts.

I deleted my WTF folder and then restarted the game. The random issue went away UNTIL i selected old flying. Then after hitting random mount 3 times, it got stuck at the worldly otter. And now when I switch back to dragonflying, it’s still stuck on the otter. Very irritating. Any words on if this is in the works to be fixed? i have too many mounts to keep picking individually lol

Same issue here, this has been going on since they made the skyriding change in dragonflight. Had to drop otterworldly otter out of my favourites, now it just picks any other random ground mount majority of the time.