Random favorite mount only summons Otterworldly Ottuk

My summon random favorite mount button has not been working. When I use it, it only lets me mount the Otterworldy Ottuk. When I unfavorite the ottuk, it then only gives me ground mounts. I submitted a ticket and renamed the cache, wtf, and interface folders and they instructed, but it’s still not fixed.

Please help.

someone who is good at troubleshooting once told me:
“if one person has it, it’s a user error. if multiple people have it, what’s in common?”
that being said i searched to confirm it was user error. this post denies that confirmation as now two have it.

ooh look! another thread with more people!

another thread. more people. Random mount button only choosing ground mounts

more… apparently since DF. i only have had it a few days though. Random Favorite Mount Button Broken - DF

and even more

I have also started having this issue on my main; the moment that I used the “switch flight style” button for the first time, my favorite mount button will only summon the ottuk or ground mounts no matter how much I switch it back and forth. Before that, it worked fine.