Random Favorite Mount Button Broken - DF

Since the implementation of the DF across all mounts, the Summon Random Favorite Mount button only works when my flying is set to Dynamic Flight. If I switch flight styles, it only summons the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier. I removed that mount from favorites and now it only summons ground mounts in zones where you can fly. Tried in Valdrakken and in Stormsong Valley.


Been gone awhile, good to see I’m not as crazy as I thought. It’s annoying! Mine summons one of about five ground only mounts in fly zones, it’s awesome. Checked they were all still selected. Wahh.

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I’m having the exact same problem. It will only summon Otterworldly Otter and when I remove the otter from favorites it only summons ground mounts. Also since implementation of DF.
It’s annoying. I hope they fix it soon.

Mine’s summoning the Ottuk no matter which mode I have enabled now. :frowning:

Edit: Aaaand it fixed itself. :confused: