Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!

Awesome! thanks Gwyneth. When SL drops I’ll be starting a new thread with updated IC information & some OOC details. Dates, times & locations will be the same.

Reminder - teahouse starts at 4 PM server. For IC purposes it’s still vaguely evening. Bring your appetites.

A lot of fun last night with old friends & new. Looking forward to the next one. :slight_smile:

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With all that’s going on ingame OOC it’s important to remember to take time to relax IC. Come join us at the teahouse - 4 PM server in Sri-La.

Had a great time last night. Love it when the RP lasts longer than I do. Thanks everyone for coming.

Last Call?


However, it is the last chance to hang out, enjoy some tea & talk, have a meal cooked to order by Kunbo, before the hole in the sky really opens up.

teahouse starts in a couple of hours

Can’t be with my family for Thanksgiving irl. But i’ve got a small turkey and the trimmings. Gonna bake bread for the first time since last winter. Then settle down for a nice slow session with my meal. So …

If any of my (IC) family and friends wanna stop by for tea & talk on Thursday, Kunbo will likely be at the teahouse, while I do some leveling on my other account. i’ll post here when I get settled in & try to keep posted here and in the teahouse community channel who else i’m on.

That way, if Kunbo is taking a nap, you can let me know you’re ready for whatever he’s got cooking.

Probably 5 kinds of dessert.

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Teahouse is now open. I’ll be casually leveling a second-account character in another window, so may take a moment to notice someone dropping by.

Gramps (Kunbo’s dad) will be brewing tea and making noodles today til Kunbo shows up. 4 PM, Sri-La.

Last night was a delightful variation. Thank you to all who attended.

We haven’t made a Sunday night teahouse excursion to the weekly Wanderer’s Festival in a while. This week is special …

On Sunday we’ll be holding the regular teahouse as usual at 4 PM. Then on Monday - we’ll be providing the food for a special event at the once a year all-day Wanderer’s Festival.

if you’ve been to our little excursions before you’ve only enjoyed an appetizer for the kind of event The Pandaren Empire guild are hosting, with supporting contributions from others in the community. So come by the teahouse Sunday, meet some of the characters that’ll be involved, over a relaxing cup of tea & some savory eats.

PS: it’s Darkmoon Fair time again. Pick up some inky black potions. They really make the Wanderer’s Festival spectacular.


for the festival get together on Turtle Beach today at 4 PM:

Teahouse will be open as usual. OTOH I’d rather have an empty house if it means people are attending the Azeroth Peace Council event:


Hello all! No teahouse tonight (Dec 20th), in Kunbo’s words: “real life keeping me away!”
Have a safe evening, and we’ll see you next time!!

Thanks, Ingheti, for putting up the “closed for private function” (ooc = last minute rl stuff) sign last week.

We’re back tonight & going strong for the last teahouse of the year. See you all in a few hours - drop by anytime from around 4 PM til ?

first teahouse of the year starts in a couple of hours. Winter treats, comfort foods, and great conversation brewing up.

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We’ll likely be trying out some taste sensations - working on the menu for this event coming up on the 14th:

for those who enjoy gustatory anticipation …

Here’s the menu for the Moon-Bowl feast on Thursday.


Won’t be nearly as fancy as the Moon-Bowl feast, but hopefully ya’ll are ready for some good food, tea, and conversation. Teahouse at the usual time and place today.

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