Welcome the Hopeful New Year at the Moon-Bowl Bridge

https ://i.imgur.com/UQFSupd.png
(Poster by Zhelya)

Hello, Wyrmrest Accord, and Happy New Year! The dawn of a new year is a time when we look back and recognize our successes in the year behind us as we walk across the bridge towards new opportunities. To celebrate the coming of the new year, The Topaz Tigers, The Pandaren Empire and The Bronze Talons would like to welcome you to the Moon-Bowl Bridge!

Join us on January 14th, 4:00PM PST at the Tian Monastery grounds as we celebrate the new year with a grand feast and the sharing of our past successes and hopes for the future! Any and all are welcome, regardless of background or banner, as this is a time of strengthening our existing bonds and forging new friendships.

We welcome you to walk this bridge with us into the new year at the Moon-Bowl Bridge.

Event Details:

What: The Moon-Bowl Bridge is a feast to commemorate the new year. As we feast, attendees will have the opportunity to take to the stage and share their stories of success and their hopes for the future!

Where: Tian Monastery in the Northern Jade Forest

When: January 14th, 4:00PM PST

Who: All factions and races are welcome! This is a time to celebrate the new year, together!

OOC Information: This is a cross faction event. Be sure to bring some Elixir of Tongues with you!


  • Anyone and everyone will be welcome to attend. In the interest of making everyone feel welcome, we ask that this be kept as a time of partnership rather than conflict.

  • We welcome you to celebrate passionately, however we ask that attendees show courtesy to others when they are sharing their stories.

Questions or concerns? Contact us at
Reoch (WrA - A) or @BuggoRo on Twitter
Zhelya (WrA - A) or @ZeZhe_Ze on Twitter


Excited to finally see your idea come to fruition! Happy to have done my part in helping get it set up.

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Really looking forward to this!! So excited : D !

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I’ll add this to the LFRP Community calendar.


Thanks a bunch, friend!

Shared on guild calendar :>

Looking forward to this :heart:

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The eight course banquet will feature some delights for all the senses - food is more than flavor.

Giving this a bump!

Sunday at the teahouse we may be testing some samples - still tweaking recipes for some of the courses.

Excited bump!

With just a few days away, I’d like to put out a reminder that we would like to invite guests to take the stage and talk about their successes in the year gone by, and their hopes for the new year! We look forward to hearing your stories, and the opportunity to share our own!

for those who enjoy gustatory anticipation …


On request I’ll post a plain text version here.


oooh looks nice~

bumping with great anticipation :3

One of our goals in creating this feast is something many non-Pandaren have repeatedly asked for: to carry on the spirit of the Pandaren Summits in a more open way.

It’s important to note that we’ve set it up so anyone can actively participate by standing up between courses to speak. It can be anything from a brief toast to a short speech that in some way connects to the spirit of the feast - hope for the future, building bridges between people.

Anyone interested in speaking is welcome to post here in the Moon-Bowl forum thread if they want to make sure they’re on the list. Ro (Reoch) - our MC - will also be adding volunteers to the list throughout the event.

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Tonight! I’ll bring some kimchi and drinks!

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Hope to see a good few people there! I definitely have a speech prepared and won’t be winging it.

For the benefit of those having trouble reading the image of the menu people will receive IC at the banquet ( https://tinyurl.com/MoonBowlFeastMenu):

“Spires of Uncharted Acquaintance”
buffet-style pre-banquet social-mixer

Vegetable spears standing upright in dips:
tomato, cilantro & dragon sauce
creamy yak cheese with mango chutney
spinach pesto
plum vinaigrette
semi-fermented rice smoothy
Falling Blossoms
fruit petal nectar

Main Banquet
served at table

“Turtles Seeking Shore”
Steamed Dumplings
red bean natto
fresh plum & sliced ginger
mixed vegetables with fragrant spices
brined spinach, water chestnuts & tofu
Honeymint tea

“Tiger Changes Stripes”
Clay Pot Fish
whole fish baked with lemongrass & garlic in a sweet and sour soy sauce
Pastry Gourami
fish-shaped puff pastry, striped with orange glaze & dragon pepper glaze
stuffed with cucumber slices & crispy faux pork made with forest fungi
Jadefire tea

“White Lady Sees Her Reflection”
Pickled Vegetables
Blue Child
plum nectar

“Phoenix Ascends the Mountain”
Root Vegetables, Pineapple & Marinated Meats
skewered & grilled at table
Black Turtle tea

“Winter Embraces Spring”
(palate cleansers)
Golden Fruit
fragrant - similar to decandra
Ginseng tea

“Cloud-Bound Dragon”
Stir-Fry Vegetables with Yak or Tofu over Noodles
Roast Barley tea

“August Celestials Dancing”
Vegetable Soup
white jasmine blossoms, sweet red pepper slices, black morels & green noodles in a clear vegetable broth
Jade Jasmine Tea

“Bones of Future Friendship”
Post-banquet socializing
Bamboo Sections filled with a variety of sweet and savory treats

today is for us to share some Pandaren cuisine. We will certainly enjoy eating all the kimchee you can supply whenever you invite us for a good old-fashioned Kaldorei meal.

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Thank you guys who came by, even for a little bit! Had a lotta fun helping with the hosting!

I was very glad to see non-Pandaren from both sides of the fence at the event. You can help spread the word the next time something like this is on the calendar.

I had a great time, and the hosts did a wonderful job!! If this happens again, I’ll definitely be going to it once more!