Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!

First time stopping by the teahouse. It was fun!

Thanks! Hopefully it’s a bit livelier next time - although Pao got to shine more than usual. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Teahouse tonight! Usual time & place.


Opening a few minutes early tonight - 6:50 PM.

Another enjoyable evening!

Special thanks to Kealie & Ping Kee for adding their charm to the mix.

See you all soon.

I think i’m going to officially cancel teahouse for tonight. Ate something last night that didn’t agree with me this morning. I’m feeling better, but very tired now.

I know cancellations have happened more often than I’d like over the last few months. Summers are very long & very hot here. Things that normally would be no big deal - like a bad cherry tomato - have a big effect when the body is already worn out. Running a lively RP event - even a small-scale one - takes a lot of energy.

But the teahouse is definitely still in business. Already working on a new menu & some other additions for when SL starts.

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Feel better Kunbo!

Get well soon!

Thank you! Means a lot to know you’re there.

The pre-patch & moreso Shadowlands are going to shake up a lot of things to do. You can expect some experimentation with the details of the teahouse events in the coming months. The goal is to keep the relaxing, quiet evenings with food & friends while keeping the setting current.

This thread is not the appropriate place to discuss, complain, or speculate about how the SL changes to leveling will affect RP in Pandaria. Too much is in flux on the PTR/Beta-testing to make any definitive statements. I simply want you to know my current thinking. Based on discussions in some RP discord & private conversations so far the plan for the teahouse is to play together “Chromie-off” just as currently it’s Warmode-off. The goal is to make the teahouse accessible to lower level characters. We’ll need to see how things work when the pre-patch (and SL) go live. The first few weeks may mean experimenting with various combinations of Chromie-time settings to see what gives the best options for the greatest number of people who may be interested in visiting the teahouse.

To repeat: because beta-testing continues, there is no definitive answer to how Chromie-time phasing will affect the teahouse. Therefore speculation in this thread is inappropriate. The only thing I can say with certainty at this point is that IC the teahouse will be in the present. We’ll keep everyone updated on how we will deal with it, as the situation gets clarified by Blizzard (either in blue posts or at SL release).

Met some interesting people at the run yesterday. Tonight’s for cha & chat.

Trying something different at the teahouse tonight - no set menu. We’ll make to order from our usual stock of ingredients.

open for business as of now. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone who came last night. Saw some interesting personal/guild story arcs intersecting & cross-fertilizing. Looking forward to hearing how they develop.

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Teahouse Sunday night. If there’s enough interest we’ll make our excursion to the Wanderer’s Festival. Either way, there’ll be a new fish dish to try out.

Teahouse open in less than an hour. :slight_smile:

Beginning this coming Sunday the teahouse will start at FOUR PM (Server time). This will be a permanent or at least long term shift to accommodate our core regulars who are in other time zones and/or have overlapping commitments.

I’d also be interested in finding one or two characters willing to help out IC as staff. Pandaren strongly preferred, although willing to consider other characters who are permanent residents of Pandaria.


For those of you in the US - remember that tonight is the time change. “Spring forward, Fall back.” So it’ll be a really different start time tomorrow.

With all the excitement of multiple ingame events & holidays overlapping it’s easy to let picking up inky black potions at Darkmoon Faire slip your mind. Those are great for making our outside activities really shine.

See you all beginning at Four PM server.

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Thank you for the support guys! spread the word.

I’ll be adding this event to the LFRP Community calendar!