Quantum items

you know, it’s funny

this is always your response when someone calls you out for it. you’ve actually never once denied that you bought it

look, man, i don’t have the energy to argue with you. i don’t even care that you bought it lmao at least you did it after the system went from % based end of season to rating based so you weren’t taking a spot from someone else

but for some reason, you have this giant ego- or need to be liked or feel included- or both, and because of that, you come into a thread talking about how people shouldn’t care because “pixels” when you purchased a number on a screen so that you could… what? be accepted? have something to show that you’re better than others?

you got elite/legend on your own last season in RSS. it may have taken you thousands of games- which is more than i’ve ever played mind you- but you did it, and i commend you for it.

hell, you might get it again this season because you’ll probably play thousands of games again. you’re almost to 1000 now and it’s week 5 in a 24 week season

i just don’t know why you think that anyone cares about anything you have to say

Holy crap I am not reading your essay. You’re bad just accept it.



his XP


Dawg lmao n0 way

Shadowlands actually had a TON of people buying boosts

Also ty blizzard i coulda had a shiny organg medal on my record if they didnt announce pennant for legend like a week before s2 like cmon :weary:
38/50 moment

He actually tried to deny it at first but I had to put him down because his excuses had an unprecedented amount of holes

What strikes me as odd is that a lot of people wanting stuff back don’t even care about the stuff they just want more things to collect despite not having really collected anything. :dracthyr_a1:

Although I guess in the case of elite sets or cm stuff it does kind of stink, especially since they don’t really make a lot of cool stuff like that, especially from pve.

Yeah, not a fan of them neglecting to announce it until long after people had stopped playing.

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i actually think them adding half-baked, bad color tint versions of the CM sets into Legion class halls was a bad move

all it did was kinda fuel the fire for people that want CM sets to be available today

i think they should’ve had the complete set, different yet cool colors, and just no armor effects

the mage set being brick red with stumpy shoulders is just :nauseated_face:

post your xp. nothing but rival :smiley:

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you literally just said this lmao

talk about deranged


yes you are deranged about my xp lol. the real irony is you actually think you’re good.

“slightly above average” :smiley: hahaha


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you left out the “at best” part, but i also qualified that with PvE and PvP experience that didn’t come from a credit card purchase so

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hey whatever helps you sleep at night. theyre just numbers buddy. its not that big of a deal. its okay to be bad at a video game.

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tru that’s why you paid for yours

imagine being so bent that you believe you look good right now


you meme game is weak too. i’m sure you have one redeeming quality. i dont know what it is, but i’m sure its something.

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It’s more of a reaction image than a meme, isn’t it? :dracthyr_shrug:

Ill never understand why people care about what someone else has. I dont care what mogs anyone else has or can get its trivial in the long run just pixels no reason to be mad someone gets it easier nor is there a reason to be mad you cant get it anymore. A whole lot of i wanna be the only person with this shirt lol.


are memes not reaction images?

point is. theyre pixels. get over it. if you think having something exclusive in game makes you cool, then idk what to say about you.

exactly this. blows my mind how people get a sense of pride from having noncollectable things in a video game. go be a normal person and remodel an old car.

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i would say you’re trolling, but you 100% believe this with conviction and lack the intelligence to understand why it’s rich coming from you

which was my initial point

but, hey, enjoy the next 2000 RSS rounds you play, bud