"Actual" CC changes will make ppl want to PvP

i’d love for you to point out where i said it was

your changes would negatively affect most players. you can’t see that because your blinded by your own deluded view of how the game actually is

i’m not even at the top LOL i’m slightly above average at best. i’ve just played the game for a long time and played at varying levels. i was top a top 100 raiding frost mage in the last raid of BFA. i got Hero in RBGs back in MoP. i also spent all of Legion doing nothing but world/solo content. no arena, no keys, barely LFR

the difference between you and me is i actually do understand the game and how it’s played. you struggle to avoid CC so you think it should be nerfed and you don’t care how doing that would affect the rest of the game. if that doesn’t make you the jester, i don’t know what does

take your own advice, bud. you made the thread and you made the ridiculous suggestions and you were rightfully thrashed for it when you doubled down. why should anyone listen to you?

100%, but not everyone deserves to have their nonsense taken seriously

you should’ve had this thought before you started the thread

the only difference now is your bent that your idiotic suggestions were poorly received by people who understand the game better than you do

lmao get a grip

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