Quantum items

am i supposed to not enjoy the game i pay for lol? this is you again worrying about what other people do or have. very very weird.

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It does, though. :dracthyr_uwu:

i mean, i could do this all day

hey whatever floats your boat. it’s just doesn’t make sense to me why people care if someone else has the same thing. how much new content can they possibly come out with? they have to bring old things back, or reskin old things.

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If the item came into the game as exclusive, it should stay that way.

If it’s an item that was in the game but just disappeared for some reason, I don’t see the issue in bringing it back.

Items that were intended to be exclusive should stay exclusive.

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reasonable take

Oh like that new ashkandi. Wonder where it went

I do. You can’t have it until stormbolt/double time is a choice node again


If they bring back corrupted ashbringer to be a drop from a daily invasion event there will truely be nothing sacred left in this world.

I think that they already said that the ashbringer wouldn’t be coming back, but what’s so special about that weapon in particular? I thought it was just a horseman drop.

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Fan giga favorite. Coolest sword in the game. T3 sets are meh because of black money action house. But seeing a corrupted ashbringer or Atiesh is the only like rare mystique moment from ye olden times.

Like, it had lore behind it and stuff but it just seems kind of arbitrary. Rhok, Benediction and Ateish have all been made unobtainable but Ashbringer was just a raid drop from a raid that was relocated and I think they regretted doing that.

They don’t generally removed raids and everything inside of them.

doesn’t it have an RP thing attached to it in Scarlet Monastery?

was the first non-legendary “legendary” if that makes sense

they should bring this back imo

Yeah, makes you friendly with the scarlet crusade, I think? Ironfoe has you speaking Dwarven when it procs. There were some cool little things.

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It gave a buff, whispered to you, and had the rp event at SM that led to the outlands but nothing came of it. Probably had something in the works to purify it but nothing ever came of it by the time BC rolled around. Was every ret paladin kids dream wep way back when. Its just a cool item and one of the few that retains that coolness.

Yeah, I thought that they were working on Outland for vanilla and ended up making it an expansion. There’s also all that unfinished stuff in…Hyjal, was it? And the untextured necropolis in Strath.

It is a cool item, though, even if most of the ones floating around are no longer in possession of their original owner.

Yeah theres cool old screen shots from old hyjal with the jank skeleton of archimonde on a very sad excuse for a world tree. I for one am glad they saved that for later.

Mhm. Not a fan of a lot of the TBC stuff but the giant hellish zones were a neat idea and Kara was great.