"Actual" CC changes will make ppl want to PvP

We were talking about shuffle. 3’s at 2k is vastly different.

And if someone is currently at a rating where they are fighting the people you have showcased, does that not mean they must have beaten many of them to get there? If that’s the case, the whole “they’re way better than me” argument kinda becomes moot no?

Edit: it also is worth annotating if these titles were received on the class/spec they’re actively playing.

I mean don’t me wrong, I absolutely know that right now it’s hard to push and you’re not going to see the ratings you’re “used to” at the moment, but the notion that 1800 shuffle is full of 3k players is just wrong.


Ah, I swear I read him talking about 3s. I haven’t done shuffle at all this season so I couldn’t contribute even if I wanted to.

Well, it’s one thing to win and it’s another thing to win consistently enough to push. I also imagine there’s a lower limit where you’re facing “regular” teams and then get into the “insane” team bracket and just keep getting immediately knocked down to the lower bracket.

This is usually fine when that point is a lot higher so the spread is more comfortable to climb, but when that point is like 1800 or something it’s a pretty enormous difference in skill for a relatively small amount of difference in cr.

Yeah after I was done I thought I should’ve put at least 3s xp on the current char too, but that doesn’t take into account alts (of the same class) either. It started turning into too much work for me to care enough, haha. But, it is a valid point for sure.

Yeah, it could be. As I said, I thought this was about 3s and I’m steering pretty far away from shuffle atm. But I’ve heard other people say the same thing about 3s and 2k mmr, so the point isn’t totally lost.


Yeah, nah. He has no 3’s games on the toon in question and low 1800’s in shuffle. Roughly a 1700 3’s player. Which of course isn’t a shame thing by any means. Merely providing perspective.

This is true, and with lower participation and a growing Lu experienced playerbase as a whole, this phenomenon is more common than in recent years. But, my point was more about disproving the extreme; that it’s just every single game and is impossible to play. Like, it’s not full of challengers at 1750 and then 1800 is nothing but AWC. It’s tighter than usual but not that tight.

Understandable :P. Honestly a really cool collective of data anyway. It is kind of showing and it’d be interesting to see a larger sample size across different ratings in different formats. That’d be a very interesting read.

I don’t see this said about 3’s much but I don’t talk to every single player so you could be right. Definitely not a lost point, and again, it’s insightful. Appreciate the leg work. I just don’t buy into that team of blame game when it comes to improving at low ratings.


compared to which real, not made up era of the game?

For all the people worried about other ppl’s rating…you’ve missed the point. PvP doesn’t belong to just the top rated players. All sorts off ppl PvP. PvP shouldn’t just cater to the elitist if it wants to stay relevant…

…and you should want new ppl getting into the system so eventually you can play new ppl, instead of just the same ol’ comps over and over again. All voices should matter in this debate if you don’t want to watch that player pool dwindle into nothing

You’re talking about competitive form of PVP wondering why people are speaking from a competitive outlook.

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All sorts of ppl PvP. Good, bad, etc. It isnt just a system for an elitist few, where only their opinions matter.

why should us or blizzard even entertain blatantly bad ideas? the rating aspect literally doesn’t matter in this instance. your lack of experience just happens to correlate with your bad idea and may explain why you feel the way you do

i had a relatively healthy discussion with a super casual mage player who only does solo content and random BGs today on the PTR forum

he was arguing that water elemental shouldn’t be removed because of his playstyle. i argued that WE is currently one of, if not the least played choice node talent in the entire game as 98.4% of frost mages take lonely winter according to pvpleaderboards. i imagine that number is higher for keys and raid

his first rebuttal to my argument was him analyzing the screenshot i provided from pvpleaderboards showing the talent tree breakdown for frost mages by showing the % of people across all 4 ladders and both regions that take a given talent

he seemed shocked to learn ray of frost and glacial spike weren’t more popular as he plays them both all the time, and though he didn’t concede that WE should be removed, he seemed to come away from the conversation understanding why it’s on the chopping block to begin with

i tell that story to give an example of someone with zero experience having a bad idea but kind of understanding why the community may think it’s bad after being shown evidence to support why it’s bad

that being said, no one here doesn’t understand that the majority of people who enjoy PvP in this game do wPvP and random BGs. it would be incredibly foolish to not think that… however, blizzard has said on multiple occasions that, for better or for worse, they 100% balance PvP around 3v3 arena which is why RSS exists with a 3v3 format

because of this, any widespread changes to PvP will always be implemented or discussed through the lens of 3v3 arena, and your original suggested changes to CC would simply be abysmal in 3v3, and would actually harm BGs, skirms, 2v2, RBGs, and RSS unless massive, wholesale changes are made to the game

so you expect a PvE game to be completely redesigned from the ground up because… you don’t like sitting CC? don’t worry, i’ll answer that for you- no, you don’t expect that because you didn’t even consider that your suggestions would require that which is why you received so much pushback telling you exactly that in this thread

but, sure, we just dismissed you because of your rating

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Here’s the thing, and i know this will come as a shock to someone as arrogant as you but… WoW doesn’t belong to you. The game is for everyone.

Changes are made based on majority thinking. Aka how will this impact the majority? How will changes impact the experience the most players?

If youre at the top youre not the majority. Giving yourself a crown and demanding everyome agree that only your opinion matters is no different than a jester putting on his hat and deciding he is the ruler.

Your just one of thousands. Your opinion matters no more than the person trying to get past 1600. Trolling ppl, mocking them, and acting like their view doesn’t matter changes nothing, in reality.

This game is for everyone, not just the self appointed ‘deciders’, deluded with self importance

Nothing youre about to say matters. Unless your dev, you’re a nobody, just like me. Just like the person struggling at 1400

i’d love for you to point out where i said it was

your changes would negatively affect most players. you can’t see that because your blinded by your own deluded view of how the game actually is

i’m not even at the top LOL i’m slightly above average at best. i’ve just played the game for a long time and played at varying levels. i was top a top 100 raiding frost mage in the last raid of BFA. i got Hero in RBGs back in MoP. i also spent all of Legion doing nothing but world/solo content. no arena, no keys, barely LFR

the difference between you and me is i actually do understand the game and how it’s played. you struggle to avoid CC so you think it should be nerfed and you don’t care how doing that would affect the rest of the game. if that doesn’t make you the jester, i don’t know what does

take your own advice, bud. you made the thread and you made the ridiculous suggestions and you were rightfully thrashed for it when you doubled down. why should anyone listen to you?

100%, but not everyone deserves to have their nonsense taken seriously

you should’ve had this thought before you started the thread

the only difference now is your bent that your idiotic suggestions were poorly received by people who understand the game better than you do

lmao get a grip

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Most delusional thing I’ve read lol.

uh oh guys

dude got called out for buying elite so he’s following me into other, unrelated threads

You don’t even have a barebones understanding of arena and you’re trying to ego out on someone lol?

“Slightly above average”


tru i should play 3000 RSS games a season

You can do whatever you want lol.

Swole XP

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My xp really bothers you that much huh? You seem a bit unhinged ngl.

the irony lol

Okay lol.

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