Premades need to be stopped

I started on a warlock. Got tired of not being healed. Rolled 6 healers. Haven’t really gone back. This was back in MoP though, warlocks weren’t as tanky as they are now.

I used to roll warlock for big seed damage, but I miss soulshape too much. I’ve just never got into healing, I’d rather swing a big sword around. Last time I played any healer was WoD’s mistweaver, and all I’d do was rising sun kick people to death in 1v3s. very op, very fun, whatever that 50% damage into healing nonsense.

Now I tend to argue with cat healers reserving their dispels for mindgames. I swear, it’s the most often given reason for not dispelling damn near anything else.

the excuses and finger pointing never ends… pathetic honestly. If you do not like the system that is in place and have to go around that system to win saying that other people need to “get better” just proves that you are the only one that cannot win in a fair way… if anything you guys are the ones that should quit there are lots of other games that allow you to join in big groups… but you all don’t want fair gameplay you want a huge advantage to make your sad self feel better.

I always pummel mindgames. Last time I was in shuffe, I spent a whole minute in a tornado. Healer dynamic makes my head hurt.

It was pretty scary in SL, it’s been toned down now that it’s an actual talent. I dispel it if my dispel is off CD, I can usually heal through it though. But fears and HoJ, those are important.

No one is. That’s the idiocracy of his statement. One person said it and the other was all “OMG REALLY?” Neither of them even rub elbows with randoms. So for any one of them to say “Well randoms do this” is ludicrous.

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“I don’t see it, so neither could you.” is such a weak line of being, I’d almost taken you for holycow.


Not to be a stickler, but he did say, “most”. Maybe hyperbole, but he wasn’t speaking absolutes. You are. You can’t really guarantee that no one is doing it, and it’s a bit of a leap to jump right to thinking they don’t queue randoms. I find that more unlikely than his claim.

True, but you can’t guarantee that anyone is doing it at all. Let alone most.

He said he doesn’t lol.

for a guy who was harping about absolutes earlier, he sure likes to use them when they’re in his favor- or rather, when he believes its in his favor lmao

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I refute this…

I could keep going down the search list, but 4 players who do it should be enough to refute “No one is”.


You said neither of them do. Did the other guy make the same claim?

you’re not allowed to use the forum search function, that’s cheating


TIL Most = 4 people on the forums.

Good thing your backup is here Hirav. Much like in-game, you can’t stand on your own.

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Even one disproves your, “no one does” arguement.

Ah yes, the 0 pvp priest is gonna put on his tough guy pants. Watch out guys, he might challenge you to a duel with his mana bar- swerve- what’s another 12 million damage amirite.


You are welcome to go through the 50+ posts in the search by yourself…

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And I don’t know him, I just agree with him. You’d have “backup” if you could make a good arguement.

They clearly didn’t get the backup inside the BG, wonder if it’s related. It’s probably just the enemy team’s fault, as usual.