Premades need to be stopped

Nah, wouldn’t want to embarrass you winning with my pve toon.

Your mana bar is very impressive. Did blizzard give it to you? The joke is that no one is impressed with lone heals crying in the sand of defeat- nearly 800 posts of priest tears. You’re just not that special, not is it impressive to press penance on cd.

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I’m not even a healer lol. Whose armory are you even looking at?

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oh all priests look the same to me after I’m done with them

I actually have a nice collection of deserters heads on my wall, maybe I could add you to it sometime.

no different than two people who exclusively queue solo telling you the mentality of premaders.


Go on, show where I have ever said this. I’ll wait.

I almost exclusively do randoms.

One Horde toon is a member of a community which queues together for eBGs.

I do rated for gear.

The team I used to run rbgs with hasn’t been playing recently.

That’s OK, rating isn’t the only way to have fun.

Some 2’s/3’s with friends.

I refuse to do RSS except for the quest.


uhhh play the format peasant, you’re supposed to quit doing randoms and talking to people and only ever do the “”“harder”“” rated content blizzard has assigned. STAY IN YOUR LANE, OK? I AM OUTRAGEOUS AND SILLY


This has been fun, but I’m gonna go play with my kids before the eu championship starts streaming.

In summation, my original point was just that randoms only disadvantage vs premades is communication, maybe a lack of clear leadership. I think we’re just as good as the people running premades, especially with the pvp ilvl buffed gear evening the playing field some for new max level players. I’d like to not be the only one in voice chat for once. I don’t think premades are the problem. I’d play with friends if I had any interested in pvp instead of mythic +, and I wouldn’t feel guilty about it.


You’re not just as good, you’re maybe better, since running in a group doesn’t denote skill. I’d posit people who strictly play, or played mostly solo are generally better players, they’ll be relying on their own senses and tools rather than looking for a teammate to help them out, and that can teach good combat skills imo, yadda yadda, good gameplay. Even if they die, the willingness to learn and use those tools in the moment is what matters.

anyway, have fun watching the tournament.


people who think rated is for premades have done neither.

Bold of you to assume that I’m not in any Epic BG communities.

please, I wish they would but sadly blizzard don’t care enough about casual pvp. its a simple fix. just put premade groups in a separate q from solo players just like they do for an xp off q

You chance to get back at sync qers has arrived.


They don’t do this anymore. People complained about long queue times.

And it isn’t such a simple fix. It would make any groups up to 5 players also compete in premade groups.

Cross faction grouping would be a better fix. Any group of friends up to 5 players would get to play together, but communities with 5 or 6 groups risk being put into teams on opposite sides.

You’re pretty petty.

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If anything happens I’ll be shocked. And banned.

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I’ll play this at your forum funeral @kthis


As long as Last Dance with Mary Jane plays right after.

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You got it


“I decided to take it a step further and sent this to my legal department at work.”

Are you serious right now? Are you really telling us that you told people about a video game at your work place when you are supposed to be working?

I don’t know whether to laugh or be in fear on how serious some of you are taking this. Turn off your laptop, rethink your life choices, and go touch grass.