Why can't I /leave Battlground Chat?

As I’m sure plenty of people here are aware of, PVP BG’s can be upsetting for Horde players. I would like the option to leave the BG chat to prevent my account from being banned by the frustration of going against a team that has 3-5 Healers when ours has 1 in full greens.

Does unchecking the PVP options in Chat settings not help?

In addition, you can turn off the group based chat as well by unchecking the Party, Raid, Instance options.

I keep all group based activity chat to its own tab (labeled GROUP) so as to keep it better organized. That way should I not wish to view it, I can just close the tab.


Thank you! I will give it a try


You’re welcome. Best of luck in your PVP adventures.


Instance chat is the chat used in Instances, including bgs. Turn that, and Instance Leader, off in bgs and you will see no crazy chat. Note: Raid Warning can be bad if someone immature has that as there is no way to not have the pop up and noise w/o specialized addons (I assume). Also note: you will have to turn /i back on if you want to see what is happening in LFR or dungeons. Finally, you may also want to turn off Whispers as well, as mean whispers happen sometimes when the emotions are flowing. I do this as I prefer a more immersive BG. My working asssumption then is everyone is having as much fun as I am.

The PVP options that Kyzera mentions do not affect player chat. I have them off as well, but I am not certain what they do. /i is where players chat. I can turn that off or on and not see or see players in bgs/instances.

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