Premades need to be stopped

twinks are playing exclusively with other twinks to avoid playing with non twinks?

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Back before all the queue separation.

“We aren’t breaking the rules”
“Anyone can do what we do, it’s not our fault you aren’t”
“Have you tried doing it yourself?”

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well let me ask this, if i queue up solo and get into a game and 5 of my friends are there, should i leave?


Dear Ms Inemia,

If you guys didn’t do the 5 4 3 2 1 all click Join, then you are allowed to play because it is not exploit.


playing with friends shocker if it was a major issue blizz would say something ! they say stuff when things r issues for pve alll the time !


That depends, did you all get together ahead of time and plan on getting into the same game together?

Hey! This was a twink argument at one time too!

you think blizz cares lol :skull: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Blizz never cares until they do. They didn’t care about twinks for a long time, until there was too much noise.

until I see cuter stuff in the trading post, I’m convinced they don’t

You know who ruins games? Pug trolls. They are why I joined a premade community. And every time I decide to pug I regret it. Just now I was in WG with a pug full of trolls using the BG add-on to spam nonsense across everyone’s screen. Like 5 of them were doing it. And God forbid you call them out for it or even try to act like you care to get the team to try and win. Nope…not allowed.

They ruin the game and are the very reason I premade now.

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so you are saying you are not good enough to deal with bad players on both teams so you exploit and cheat to get an advantage…

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So go play something else. Lots of single player games out there if you’re so afraid of “trolls”

I said it earlier. They just want to play WoW PvP on easy mode. There’s a reason why the vast majority of them have a near 100% win rate on thousands of epics but a 40% win rate on a few dozen normal BGs.


Lmaooo there is some cute stuff on trading post tho only some

It should all be cute >:C

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I mean it’s epics who cares . The only people who care about epics are ppl who q epics .