bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/25/2018 10:20 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Inemia

i usually see people with this mentality when they like to use ad hominem and gatekeeping for validity instead of proper arguments. you don't need to see someone's main when you have sound arguments.

btw, there is really no reason for premades in unrated pvp, its like using iddqd in doom then feeling "skilled".
There is plenty of reasons for friends to play with friends in a video game in all aspects, even casual Bgs. Inb4: the good old friends excuse.

cough*the old friends excuse* cough ;P

would you agree though that many unscrupulous players get premades together just to pug stomp or increase their chances of winning?

should the real argument be whether the abuse of premades is enough to outweigh the positives like playing with friends and community building?