Premades need to be stopped


willful ignorance is strong with you lol but honesty is lacking

they left skid marks all over this thread, real broken record like. I couldn’t even imagine being a victim in my own forum containment zone.

Where have they stated this?

Why is your name bloomsday

Because I got to choose my name and I liked the sound of Bloomsday.

What do you like about it

How is this relevant to the thread or my reply in the thread?

It’s not, I’m just curious

You’ll have to submit your questions to my fan Q&A then. I am only interested in discussing the topic of the thread.

Please send in-game mail with questions:

Bloomsday - Sulfuras - Classic Era

If I do will you actually respond to it

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lmfaoooooooooooooooo :skull: :skull: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

dont bother talking to the forum NPC theyll just say the same thing on repeat

Nah, it’s fun watching them splutter about cheating. When really, it’s just that they don’t like the game.

cooperation is too hard of a concept for them, after or before the game starts, so there’s no saving that kind of person. poisoned in the mind with defeat

Don’t listen to the troll pretending to be a cow…I’m sure they wrote that somewhere…oh damn they deleted it :frowning:

Blizz deleted all their tweets prior to 2019. Blizz has commented many times over the years about their disdain for epic premades. Blizz just doesn’t care about PvP anymore, so here we are.


They talk a lot for someone who barley has pvp cheevs tbh

What’s weird to me is that, these epic BGs premades are thriving in blizzards PvP absence. There are way, way more epic communities than there were a few years ago. You would think they would be trying to keep quiet and keep a low profile in case Blizz turns their eye this way. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the parallels between epic BG premade communities and twink communities are insane.

facing a premade would be a random option then. you never know what you are going to get.