bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/25/2018 10:37 AMPosted by Jugajr
Nothing can outweigh the positives of playing with your friends/guildies in a videogame.

10 friends get together and pugstomp 10 bgs. those 10 people's fun ruined the fun of 100 other people, its a pretty significant difference. there is also a difference between losing a close game and losing when you are getting pugstomped. a close match lose will still let you feel good as you know both teams played well and tried hard. getting pugstomped however is different as there is nothing you can do, you feel helpless. one feeling will beget more pvp, the other will traumatize many noobs into never pvping again. growth and health of the pvp community should outweigh the fun of playing with friends.

10/25/2018 10:40 AMPosted by Jugajr
Also you're a solo queuer, right? I don't see low winrates other than av/ioc

yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.
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