Premades need to be stopped

Tbh I wane bikinis for every class and I want hide pants option

no, everyone independently queued on their own, with no intention to sync, we just happen to get into the same game. should i leave because there is 6 of us just by chance?

why lie? that’s so painfully obviously not true XD

thats not the point, if i queue solo, and 5 of my friends are there, should i leave because we are more than the 5 man limit in one game?

no but that’s not what you do lol if yall queue at different times and then get in at the same time whatever but if yall sync queue in big groups then you are exploiting lol it’s not rocket science bud

But this isn’t what is happening lol. This isn’t the point. I just happen to find myself in BGs with people I know too. It’s a fun little surprise. You guys are doing it with the intention of being in the same group.

I mean they were just leveling BGs who cares? The only people complaining were levelers.

Like I said, the parallels are insane.

so, if i log in, queue up, and then get into my first random game and see 27 other SAS in there, thats not a problem because it wasn’t a sync queue?

is it any more or less fair to the other team than if you had queued as a premade?

The chances of that happening are random, as intended. You are letting the system work, and sometimes the system isn’t fair. What you’re doing is manipulating the system. That’s the difference.

if there is no difference in fairness from the other team’s perspective, they’ll face you and your friends premade or no premade, why not queue with your friends all the time and make your wow experience more enjoyable?

because you are making it unfair for everyone else this game is not made just for you and your “friends” it’s made for everyone so if you can’t play fair and use the system that is allowed go elsewhere do not ruin the game for others just because you are selfish and only care about yourself

the system will make the game unfair for you and everyone else anyway, why put up with toxic teammates when you don’t have to?

so because the game works you cheat? that’s sad

I never said there wasn’t a difference in fairness. The chances of 30 of your pals accidently falling into the same queue are slim to none. It is MORE for for the average player.

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can you reword this into something more understandable?

but the odds of 10 of them getting the same pop are pretty good though, so if that is allowed, and the outcome is the same, then what is the problem with preorganizing it?

Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

i’ll keep that in mind if i ever consider cheating.

you know there is a ton of automation addons right? stuff to automatically sell junk, automatically repair, automatically accept a group invite from a friend, etc.

exactly who care they’ll level out of the bracket anyway . most ppl with common sense dont twink nor care about staying in lowbie bgs at all .

you are cheating by creating an unfair advantage. Just stop lying lol