Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Then why does the one that is 5 years old matter? That’s the thing. You are picking and choosing…so you are just not being honest. No worries. People who think cheating is good have a lot of cognitive dissonance.

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Oh my, its time now. The issue is I want to bg, but I get slaughtered by another team that has spent time making twinks and they own the battlefield. It sucks, it happens, but I will say once upon a time in twink camp I became a vg hunter and entered bgs and saved the game. The real issue is Pancakes or Waffles.

Holycow posted it

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I’m partial to waffles, myself. But if I get free choice I go for French Toast.

ty I couldn’t remember, I’ll edit and fix.

So people who spent time gearing and optimizing their characters beat you.

That’s how it should be.

So care to actually make a real point?

Says you. Stick to plumbing, but thanks anyways.

I think i’ll just keep advocating for what I want to see. Regardless of how much you and yours try to shut down the discussion.

I will stick to plumbing. I make great money doing it :joy:

Feel free to advocate for it. Just don’t get upset when it doesn’t happen

Would highly suggest putting bloomsday on ignore. Maybe you already know, but they are easily one of the worst trolls on the forum. You can quite literally google their name with ‘troll’ and you get multiple results back.

The known PvP devs have left Blizzard. There might not be anyone focused on PvP anymore.

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Because 5 years ago means the information is more up-to-date than information from 12 or 17 years ago?

My goodness, what are they teaching in schools nowadays?


It was just a recap dude not me personally. I have twinks that own, or did yesterday.

Wow, I’ve been refuting your arguments for that long? We should celebrate haha.

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I’m sure you are well paid, as much as a skilled trades can make, which isn’t much :person_shrugging:


I love how anyone that proves both of you guys wrong is automatically labeled a troll and should be blocked.

It’s funny you guys can’t actually refute points and just deflect.

I mean… that’s literally all they have doing for days now.
Judging by their persistence, heck they might have been doing this for years.

Edit: I have to say it is hilarious that Adroi liked this comment. Considering that … this was referencing them and their cohort of fanatical yes-men.

So either Adroi is trolling via liking comments putting them on blast, or they were so clueless to realize who I was referring to when agreeing with Snoz. Either way, this is kinda hilarious!

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that’s rich coming from you … your MO is look up profile of person talking, which discussion to why they aren’t credible in your eyes.

Minus the part where it’s the argument that matters, not the person making it.

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I am. I get hourly and commission based pay.

And since I work in industrial/commercial service the money is very very good.

It shows a lack of knowledge to think trade jobs aren’t well paid.

There are only a few people I block. Bloomsday is one of them.

Would you like more examples of people pointing out they are a troll?

You can disagree with me on the topic at hand all you want, but this isn’t an isolated opinion.

Dude, one word, xanax

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I’m sorry credibility matters and you don’t have any

You mean like where the blue posts linked shreds OPs arguments?