Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Then why did you just continue it again?

Brother I’ve told you all you need to know to stop the circular argument and move forward. No more effort from me, only snide remarks again. Good luck.

It is a valid argument but the newest post says nothing about dropping queue, or full premades…just 1 2 3 click.

The second set of posts is the most comprehensive and has a back and forth on the issue. I think it most clearly talks about epic bgs and that more than one 5 man is unfair. The last one is the most recent so that elevates it as well.

To me we have a contradiction. We have 2 posts…the oldest and newest saying 1 2 3 click is ok. Then we have in the middle the most comprehensive discussion about it that happened when they first turned off the ability to queue as raid in epic bgs. That to me means…we have a fairly balanced contradiction.

More than one 5 man is unfair and queue syncing is allowed. That makes no sense to me.

No where have they ever said queue syncing and dropping and repeat is ok.

I think they were trying to say, we can’t monitor that so we are just leaving it alone on the side of queue syncing, but that they view it as unfair and just haven’t bothered to put in a hard fix.

I would like them to re-engage on the topic because 4 posts in 17 years is ridiculous. There is a reported problem right now of too many of these pug stomps. Seems like they should give it some attention and answer all the questions at once.

It’s a valid point.

Blizzard has stated that groups of 5 quing together is not against the rules.

That means the limit is as many groups of 5 can enter the BG.

Two 5 mans wsg/tp as an example.

I’m saying your hope for a limit isn’t going to happen.

Which means your options are

Rated BGs


Solo blitz.

I’m asking you where I said to ban players. That’s it.

I asked you earlier… why are you siding with players who are ruining the game for others? Simple question. All I asked for was something to be done. Nothing more.

This is such an uncomplicated topic. Either you’re for players ruining the game for others or you aren’t. Wether you participate in the content or not doesn’t even matter.

Snide marks should be expected when you don’t retract lies.

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Btw, It’s the perfect time to queue for Epic BG’s if you want to see them in action.

Been answered, chief. Figure it out.

See man, even in this you can’t be honest. Don’t expect other players to act in a capacity you can’t even do yourself.

I’m being quite honest. I’m doing precisely what I said I would.

Then why can’t you answer a simple question?

Why do you support players who ruin the experience for other players.

Why can’t you just say you lied as well? No where did I say I wanted players banned when I made the topic. I even disagreed with another player on this very issue. I explained in detail how the problem could be fixed.

That you can’t even grant me that… who is posting in bad faith here?

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If the demand for a solo only que, with no groups possible is high enough, it could totally happen. The blizzard of old is dead, long live our MS overlords.

I could continue. I won’t, as I said I wouldn’t.

All good. It’s clear you’re fine with players having their game ruined by others.

No response needed.

It doesn’t need to. Dropping queues is also not against any rules. It is not an exploit to decline the queue.

Premades that run now typically aren’t “full premades”. They are 20-35 people typically. No one actually gets all 40 in.

There’s no contradiction. You should disregard information that is 10+ years old. Especially information that is 12 and 17 years old.

This is the reason these threads go ignored by Blizzard. They’ve already answered this. Vrak even specifically saw your thread and moved it out of customer support without answering it. You thinking there’s a contradiction doesn’t mean there is one.

What part of more than 5 don’t you get?

Starting to feel like I am talking to another alt. Getting tiresome to argue with people who support cheaters.

None of the pedantics get around the fact that these are cheaters. Try again.

It’s not a simple fix.

A serious fix would negatively affect all PvPers (e.g. everyone has longer queues).

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Your average player isn’t constantly dropping queues. Minor tweaks would likely be enough.

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When you pick and choose what they have said, you are not being intellectually honest. Either look at the totality of the information or get more information. You can’t just say, nah I think the one in the middle doesn’t count and actually have a real conversation about what Blizzard wants here.

If they come back and say more than 5 in a random bg is fair…then fine. Until they do, it’s not fair. See that is how saying things works. They stand until they are refuted, not until you just don’t want to include them because they don’t fit your narrative.

Find something newer that says more than 5 in a premade for a random bg is fair and that’s fine, until then their last comment stands…especially when it was the last time they changed how you can queue

Vrak already addressed this when the other guy complained about “more than 5” queueing together.

No, the blue post saying that it’s not cheating does.

Again, you don’t get to decide what’s cheating and what isn’t. Blizzard does. It’s their game. It is not Kaledin’s game. You have zero power over what the rules are.

And so far, we have Blizzard saying it’s not cheating via a blue post and we have them saying it’s not cheating by virtue of the fact that no one, not a single person, has been banned over the 15 years that this has occurred.

You’re out my friend.

It doesn’t matter what they say. They’re from 12 and 17 years ago. This is information literacy 101. The most recent information is always the most reliable.

Surely Bloomsday’s the one that’s done this, and not the people who went from saying “no that information is too old” to using a 12 year old engadget article as ‘proof’

For context to Bloomsday; in the other thread I’ve mentioned, they were discrediting a blue post because of its age for the longest time only to turn around and huddle around the Engadget article Holycow had found.

It’s not. And even then that’s what solo blitz is for.

Don’t hold your breath.