Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yup, but you still don’t get it. It’s unintended, unfair, therefore an exploit by every definition of the word.

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What you dont get is your views dont matter

Blizzards do

You’re literally attempting to redefine the meaning of the word and it’s hilarious at this point. :laughing:

You’re misunderstanding. The players doing the premade are actively MAKING it unfair. Not the same as randomly having an unfair game.

You sure have big boy.

Again with the weird strawman.


Im not redefining the word. Im saying your interpretation of the word and how you are applying it to wow is based on your feelings.

Im not misunderstanding. One team being lopsided isnt unfair a match up with two teams at the same amount of people is fair.

It’s not an interpretation. Dude, if you want to disagree that it’s not unfair, then you disagree with that. You’re trying to argue the meaning of the word… The word means what it means.

Have you not been following along at all?

The other issue that has been repeatedly brought up, and you apparently continue to ignore, is that premades leave bgs in which they don’t get their entire group into. I have stated this multiple times. I have seen 30+ people leave a BG.

Now are you going to argue with me that it’s still fair that 30+ people leave?

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Basically, I haven’t queued RBGs in YEARS unless it is part of an event (like the Korrok thing in the Caverns of Time a while back) that gives non-PvP rewards.

I miss just having a vaguely reasonable perception of fairness of random people vs random people.

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Oh oh oh, i got this one.

Havent finished catching up on the thread yet, not sure if someone already mentioned it.

Someone did make a post in the CS forums. Community Council replied and backed up what Snoz has been saying even following the same blue post, being the most recent, that going 3, 2, 1, Que was deemed legal and not an expliot.

Then, the same Blue that said the quote closed the thread, as the question had been answered.

Sorry, at work or I would link it for you, should still be in the CS forums though.

Here is the thread

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He marked the post that said he can’t answer that question as the answer despite it being his statement in the CS forum that’s causing the confusion. I posted another one there and pointed that out, it’ll probably go nowhere as well.

Im stating Blizzards stance which trumps what either you or I feel.

Yep. No one can force people to leave or stay in a BG

The only one talking about feelings is you. The word means what it means. It’s not a… feeling.

So 30+ people leaving is fine?



I’ve seen 30+ pugs leave because they didn’t win the first fight. Whether they were fighting a premade or not.

Are you proposing some mechanism to prevent people from leaving a game?

You dont want clarification…because you have literally alteady gotten that throughout the entire lifetime of this game.

You want validation. This is something Blixzard wont give you because they just dont agree with you.

Then deal with having no rules beyond the base BG objectives. Thats your tradeoff.

yeah id rather it be changed zug zug


Yeah, I know that thread, and quoted the blue response in that thread and also the same response on this thread several times.

Well, someone finally did make a post, as expected, some people started getting snotty when told what they didn’t want to hear. That’s what get threads locked and/or ignored by Blizzard.

The devs have certainly seen this thread, but are not gonna respond to these threads for the same reason. The last time the devs even posted a reply, the player base are complete jerks. Ghostcrawler had some not too nice comments about that, I cannot repeat here.


Just gonna make sure this get’s continuously pushed… because there so many deniers of what random BGs are meant to be.


Are you ok? At no point did he suggest you actually do this. I did mention it’d be completely in keeping with your behavior, but I didn’t accuse you of doing it either.

You’re taking it remarkably personally for someone who’s not being singled out.

Right, but it’s entertaining to watch him flail around and it serves the purpose of keeping this thread active. I do actually want Blizzard to act on this. Epic BG queues would be much better if party queuing of all varieties was turned off. If people want to play with their friends there’s already multiple game modes that afford that option but there isn’t a lot of room for people who want a pug to fight a pug in epic BG’s.

He claims he doesn’t.

There’s nothing to clarify, Blizzard stated that a group of people ending up in the same BG isn’t a bannable offense. This doesn’t mean 20 people can bypass the restriction on raid queuing. Raid queuing was disabled for a number of reasons.

You should expect to get some vinegar thrown at you when you blatantly ignore the community and avoid a problem in your game for years on end. It might not be your fault but you should expect vitriol when your company’s default response is, ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.’

People don’t like reading, and when they do read they tend to interpret what’s written in a way that benefits their own argument instead of what’s actually written.

Blizzard turned off raid queuing in epic BG’s for a reason. Bypassing that is not allowed. Blizzard clarifying that a couple of people ending up in the same BG together isn’t a reportable offense is not the same as saying that 20 people should be able to time their queues together to bypass the ban on raid queuing.

None of this is even remotely complicated or controversial. Absolutely no one argues against ending this practice except the occasional troll and people who, by odds, participate in the practice themselves. And if that’s you, I’d remind you that Blizzard has banned people for less.


Recently came back and rolled alliance, and I’ve seen the premade thing being brought up a lot in epic bg’s. Didn’t really take it seriously at first, but after being steamrolled so many games, it’s getting harder to just brush off.

Is this really what’s happening? The games are so one sided that there’s no chance for a comeback.


Maybe. Excluding Wintergrasp. And the problem with WG is that tons of people dodge the queue as soon as they see they’re getting sent to Wintergrasp. Especially if they’re on assault early in the expansion when gear scaling still gets stomped by turrets and vehicles.

Most Epic BG’s have the same problem where once it starts rolling, one faction tends to snowball. Part of the reason Blizzard banned raid queuing for epic BG’s was that people would just quit as soon as they saw the premade because they didn’t want to be made a captive audience for a game they didn’t think they had a chance of winning, and when enough people would do it en masse you’d have a 40 v 40 match turn into 40 v 15 and on most epic BG’s that’s an insane advantage. And on maps like Ashran it meant that the back-fill would be zoning in and, oh, their tower’s destroyed and the other guys just killed ogre.

Cue the people defending this practice screaming and crying about how you’re throwing a fit because you lost, even though it’s the third time you’ve seen this in one night.


Well they don’t care about the health of PVP and never will because they’re so self-important that nothing matter unless it benefits them… and not being able to group means they can’t get carried to victory.

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