Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

What part of “I don’t do premades”
is so hard for yall to comprehend?

Again I don’t join. Random premades. I don’t need a premade to crush a BG.

Most of the players in there are bots.

Don’t need a premade to stomp people in BGs lol

We have defined what an exploit is. You haven’t. Don’t tell people to ‘learn’ what something is simply because you disagree with what their view of what an exploit is. By the very definition of the word, it’s an exploit. You can’t refute that.


The difference is that your definition isn’t shared by Blizzard.

I don’t need too. Blizzards statements and actions show it’s not an exploit.

It has zero to do with what I think. If Blizzard says it’s not an exploit then it’s not an exploit.

I clearly have multiple times.

He’s just trolling, look at his guild name. Over 300 posts in a topic that he says doesn’t affect him, it’d be sad if he didn’t premade.

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The word means what it means. Blizzard doesn’t define what the word means. lol!

Oh, got it. You’re saying that everyone is defining it wrong, but you won’t define it. Got it. A+ man.

It’s going to blow your mind when you accept that there are things in the game that once weren’t considered exploits and were later removed because they were exploits.

If you had even an ounce of honesty, you could accept that.

You haven’t. Thanks for playing though.

Yea, it’s pretty funny. Getting to the point where I’m starting to feel bad.

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Are you really that out of touch? What does my guild name in my CE guild have to do with anything?

It doesn’t.

What’s really sad is that you have zero argument and are so desperate you’re now reaching about my guild name rofl

But they decide what is and isn’t an exploit.

Just because you feel it’s an exploit doesn’t actually make it an exploit.

Nope I’m saying everyone’s interpretation of what is an exploit doesn’t matter. Blizzards is what matters.

Considering this has been a thing for over ten years if they considered it an exploit it would have been dealt with already.

I have. You choosing to either be intellectually dishonest or ignore it is your problem not mine.

It shows your character. You mean like how you brought up ratings in a discussion about unrated? I think we should start reporting the obvious trolls. You never did answer about buying rating.

Wow you really aren’t all there.

A guild name I have zero control over has zero to do with my character.

I didn’t bring up ratings. I said you didn’t have any pvp achievements that matter.

Just because you don’t agree with me doesn’t mean I’m a troll.

Yeah I did. I said you were clueless to even make that suggestion because it’s clear to anyone with a clue that I didn’t buy anything.

The irony is thick with this one.

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It’s an exploit. It’s literally what the word means. Of everything you’re trying to argue against, this one makes the least sense. Troll or not, the word has meaning. You are seriously trying to argue that the word can’t be used as its intended. It’s seriously laughable dude.

It’s not an interpretation. You’re seriously trying to argue against the dictionary right now.

Merriam-Webster: to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage

Cambridge Dictionary: to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage

Oxford English Dictionary: To take advantage of in an unfair or unethical manner; to utilize for one’s own ends.

In every sense of the word, it’s an exploit. It’s clear to any honest person that they are clearly doing premades to have an unfair advantage. That is the point. It’s clearly unethical. You can clown yourself all you want, but this is reality.

If you want to argue it’s not against the rules, have at it, but it’s still an exploit.

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I mean you haven’t made a valid argument and your last attempts were

“My guild name” shows my character


“I bought my rating”

Just because you can’t break 1500 doesn’t mean everyone that does buys it.

You brought up rating and you defend unethical play which is also your guild name.

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I’m saying your feelings that an organized 40 against an unorganized 40 is an exploit.

The actions they are taking is not an exploit which was confirmed by blizzard.

They aren’t manipulating the Que to get 40
People in a 15v15 bg.

Therefore they aren’t exploiting the game.

What would qualify it as an exploit is what you’re interpreting as “unfair”. Blizz has stated that multiple 5 man groups isn’t unfair therefore it’s not actually an exploit unless they are manipulating the Que to get an unfair man advantage by having 40 people in WSG.

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Your comprehension and lack of ability to actually make an argument is making my head hurt.

The reach and terrible arguments over a guild name I have no control over is sad.

I actually think You are worse than Ard and thats saying something

Sweet strawman dude.

It’s an exploit. It’s clearly unfair. Again, not debatable. If Blizzard wanted raids to queue, they wouldn’t have removed the option. They did.


They did in WoD, right? Said it was unfair?

Its not.

There isnt any exploit being done.

irrelevant. No game is ever going to be perfectly fair.

Its easily debatable. Been doing it for over 300 posts.

Because of coding for ques not because organized was an exploit.

Nope. Just one more thing you are wrong about.

They removed the addon that allowed it then. Also note the quote.
https ://
“The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.”

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They removed the addon because it was automation and is agaisnt the rules.

I have already refuted this twice.

All this is them saying while they dont like it, its not against the rules.

See this was linked 3 times.