Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

In perfectly fine.

Actually he did as have multiple others.

Not really. Stating facts isn’t taking it personal.

I don’t. I usually watch Netflix and afk at a node.

You haven’t. Also, not the same thing. Leaving after you’re already losing vs leaving before the match even starts.

Can you just be a decent person for one second? You said you had a family. Is being a decent person not important to you?

No, I’m not suggesting preventing people from leaving. I do think if you’re constantly leaving matches though you’re ruining the game for others. It’s why we have deserter, or you probably don’t agree with that either.

Yep. =/

They used to be fairly rare. In the last couple expansions, the problem has been really bad. Ever since the introduction of communities, premade groups and guilds have been spamming for members. As the problem has gotten worse, more people start joining them to get easy wins and honor.

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I have. It happens often. And is the reason I joined a community.

Yup, hand wave it away, that works.

If leaving at the start, when there’s lots of time for the game to find replacements, harms the game. Then leaving 5 minutes in harms it just as much, if nor more.

I think deserter should be account wide and prevent you from queuing for any content. PvP and PvE. People who leave content for stupid reasons clearly can’t be trusted to stay in the content they queued for.

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You haven’t, but not worth arguing.

That quite literally makes no sense.

I have.

I don’t know how you know what I have experienced better than I do.

If you can’t make any sense from what I posted, there is no hope for you.

I notice you had nothing to say about my stance on deserter.

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I think they need to add a forfeit option if they want to continue it. Watching a premade of full conquest geared players farm your team for 15mins because they refuse to end isn’t compelling gameplay. Worse blizzard keeps trying to refill battlegrounds that have already ended rather then letting them close out.

Stop resurrecting. If you stop appearing in the graveyard, they will have to move on.

In an epic, you can run to another graveyard as a ghost and resurrect there. If you really want to.

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Instead we can have a combination of solo queue that mixes around faction and a forfeit option to prevent griefing and stop people from wasting other peoples time.

I am honestly baffled why premades are not forced into ranked. I am struggling to think of any modern pvp game that lets you drop premades on pugs that are not shooters.

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It isn’t griefing, you signed up for PvP.

There are nearly 3000 posts on this topic. At some point we are gonna have to stop beating the dead horse of people coordinating queues to drop full conquest players onto pugs in greens.

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It helps build character.

I don’t know what to tell you. Blizzard is okay with communities/guilds counting down in groups.

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What an absurd thing to claim there was even a recent blue post on it rather then the old article you linked when pvp servers were a thing still.

Its clear the idea is premades go into ranked… its how the game is set up to facilitate them and they offer better rewards.


You have seen 30+ pugs all leave at the same time? Got it. Right on man.

Saying that people leaving after 5 minutes versus leaving at the start… is somehow worse is hilarious. The people leaving at 5 minutes are leaving because the game is already lost. The people that leave before the match even starts guarantees a loss. That you somehow think that is worse only is ridiculous.

Yes, there is not hope for people like.

Why would I? You have already said you do premades. You’re the problem.


This is amazing. You hear that everyone? If you don’t like getting farmed in a GY, you should take a the few minutes to run all the way to ANOTHER GY so you can spawn… and still lose.

lolol! This is great. This actually highlights how ridiculous you people are.

No. The response addressing queueing, NOT stacking.

If you don’t want to PvP, don’t click the queue button. PvP includes the risk of being farmed.

You can’t exclude people from a random bg because they have gear and others don’t. That’s not how that works.


This post has already been addressed and refuted.

While they say they want to push organized groups into rated they aren’t breaking any rules.

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Hey guys, more great wisdom from the premade guy. Don’t want to deal with premades? Don’t do bgs!

Amazing stuff.

This is a blue post? No.

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You can always queue for other content, like Blitz or RSS. You could be farmed in those too though, so I’m not sure how you can prevent the risk of being farmed. Other than refraining from queueing for PvP.

It’s the question the blue post is responding to.