Yeah Deso’s still salty he was booted for criticizing healers. He can’t seem to get over it. We’ve wished him well, a few even stroked his ego as desired, telling him, yes, he’s a good healer. For us, it’s over, done with, have a nice life all of that. He wants to hold a grudge, good luck, have fun with that. That’s not the kind of energy we’re about. We play to have fun together. Anyone pees in our cheerios, they get the boot. Very simple. We have a wonderful group of people, and I am proud of each of them. Except Toxic. He drives me nuts
Pretty sure no one is ever complaining about 5 man random BG premades when they make those types of threads. It’s always about EBG community queue timing to get past the premade limits and get more than 5 people into a group.
Then they come here like this wood tier spell clicker above who couldn’t get an invite to a yolo RBG group unless he started his own, and stink up the place with their cringey, unwarranted, egos.
I don’t know why there’s like 5 posts about it a week. Blizzard obviously doesn’t care. Just make fun of them for sucking and move on like everyone else does.
Sometimes they just don’t listen, it’s not them being toxic, just sabotaging their own team, and that’s my point. I ask five times don’t cap docks, just kill glaives. I say hey, don’t bring the vehicles directly to the gate pls, they do it anyways.
I had a Tich grp last night complaining that I was leading and giving raid instructions…people are weird.
It’s actually not lol. Are they no playing? Are they afking? Simply just not doing what your group says isn’t sabotage. It’s simply not doing what your group wants them too.
And here is the issue, people are not choosing to be queue in with your premade. There is no rule saying “Do what the premade says”. Would it be better if they worked with the premade? Probably. But they aren’t choosing to play with your premade.
This is probably close to sabotage, probably not though. Just jerk move.
It’s been 18 years. If they haven’t “Fixed” it by now, what makes you think it’s getting “Fixed” anytime soon? Have you considered the possibility that the devs don’t agree with the people who are grousing and complaining?
Eh… that’s complicated, seeing as people can wind up in the same game together quite unintentionally; as such, it’s practically impossible to determine when people are sync queueing and when they’re not.
Another thing: is it exploitative if it can already happen by chance, anyways? Also, if it is considered exploitative (by the devs - not randoms on the forum), then why has it not been addressed? That fact alone makes me suspect that that devs don’t consider it exploitative; otherwise, we would have seen action a long time ago.
This is just a perfect example of why you can’t go by what randoms on the forums say. Just because you see 8-10 people with the same realm name on the other side doesn’t mean you’re facing a Premade.
People on these forums be whack. If even 2 people group up, people holler about Premades.
The problem is that people blow this “Issue” way out of proportion; after all, blaming L’s on Premades is all the rage. Between all the bias, hyperbole, and ignorance about the rules and how the game actually works, I don’t think the devs really care to have to sift through all of this pointless, opinionated garbage. I’m 100% sure that they’re aware of the “Issue”; however, I’m not sure they agree that it is an “Issue.”
This is not the answer.
As I was saying… there’s a lot of bias in these forums directed against Premade leaders and their communities.
Oh, I see… what they’re not supposed to do (according to you, of course). Jawohl, mein Fürher!
Never seen it happen - probably because most people aren’t as terrible as you make them out to be.
“18 years and it’s still possible” enters the chat.
Oh, I see. Is that why nothing happens to any of them? 18 years… no action?
I mean… your bias is showing again. They explained their reasoning behind their actions (i.e.: gameplay sabotage); also, they explained that it doesn’t always happen - it was a one-off. While I get that you might not like their explanation as per why they did it, and you could venture to go on arguing about what might be construed as “Gameplay sabotage,” it’s unfair to label them as “Mussolini’s” merely because they made use of a function that is available in the game. On the flip-side, all the people gathering ‘round the thread here to continuously slam Premades…
“Thou shalt not group up in an MMO!”
Solo queues for everyone! No… you know what? No queues for anyone! Let’s just turn WoW into Super Mario Bros. and call it a day.
Is that what they actually say, or is that your personal interpretation of what they say? No, wait… don’t tell me. I already know.
Let’s examine some of your examples.
The first example you brought up is of a Premade doing something wrong. Most reasonable people would agree. Kicking people for playing objectives because you want to turn the game into an 10-hour HK farm is an abuse of the function.
The second example is just a repeat of the first example. I don’t need to say any more about it.
Not enough context.
Sounds reasonable enough, given that the people were actually raging, toxic, and, so - presumably - uncooperative. That being said, I don’t think you can remove someone by reporting “Poor behaviour”; as such, it would technically be an abuse of the function - well-meaning as it might be.
Similar to example four. Sounds reasonable enough to kick toxic players (insofar as this is true), but it would technically be an abuse of the function; also, what does it mean to say that “Someone is hurting our chances?” If “Gameplay sabotage” is meant, then that is reasonable and is in keeping with the function; however, if it just amounts to “I don’t like so and so,” then it is nothing more than abuse of the function.
(Side note: in taking the time to think it through even more - like thinking people do - I am beginning to wonder if some cases of “Toxicity” might reasonable be construed as “Gameplay sabotage” - in which case, there would be no abuse of function involved. Probably, I’d have to assess each case individually to determine that fairly.)
In summation, these aren’t the “Bombs” you thought they were. They’re duds. In 1. and 2. you have examples of behaviour that nobody likes - many Premaders included, 3. has too little context to determine anything, and 4. and 5. were well-meaning mistakes as far as I can see - at any rate, it is inappropriate to ascribe insidious motives to these people without strong supporting evidence of intent. Innocent until proven guilty and all.
You said you had quotes of Premade leaders saying that they kick people for whatever stupid reasons. Where is it? Did you forget to post it, or… does it not actually exist? The above examples weren’t nefarious, outside of 1. and 2. - but that reflects poorly on specific Premade leaders and their communities, not Premades in general, seeing as most groups don’t engage in that kind of nonsense. Do you have something more, or is your bumbling and ineffectual “Inquisition” finally over?
Lol. You sweet summer child.
…And they don’t care because it isn’t a problem. If it was, then they would have done something about it years ago. Anyone can join a group - or not, as they so choose. If you don’t join a group, you don’t have the right to whine and cry about it when you end up facing a group.
As per queue syncing: the fact of the matter is, technically speaking, it isn’t breaking any rules. That’s why they can’t do anything about it. Labelling it as “Cheating” is subject to interpretation; after all, it’s an advantage (to some degree) that anyone could partake of. If you choose not to, then… who’s fault is that? Should people be punished for wanting to play together in an MMO? Should they be punished for hosting active, lively communities? The last thing that Blizzard can afford is to be hacking away at the communities that are keeping this game alive. Premade communities are massive.
There’s a lot of subjectivity involved here. Which is probably why the devs don’t bother about it. Unless someone is actually (read: objectively) breaking a rule, they don’t care. Facts.
That’s unfairly ascribing a motive to them - which is typical of a biased opinion.
If you actually cared to read with the intention of understanding, as opposed to merely with an eye to criticizing, you’d come to see that there is a difference between kicking random people, or kicking people for the wrong reasons, and kicking people who are actually sabotaging a game, as I have.
As far as I can see here, people aren’t getting kicked merely because they didn’t listen (I mean, who even listens in a PuG) - which is what all the nay-sayers keep telling themselves, despite the whole story being right in front of them.
At the end of the day, what you and I think on this doesn’t really matter. It’s the devs decision, not ours. They are the ones who implemented the gameplay sabotage reporting function. People are just salty that it’s getting used.
…And before some smooth brain comes in and says, “It’s not being used, it’s being abused,” you need to assess that claim on a case-by-case basis. Generalizations don’t work here. Unfortunately, in the middle of a game, you don’t really have the time to play court to decide whether something is/is not gameplay sabotage - preferably bringing it to the “People’s court” of the forums (lol); you need to make a decision quickly. You don’t have time to argue semantics. Some cases may go too far (as is typically of decisions made in the heat of the moment), but that doesn’t mean that there necessarily was some nefarious intention behind it.
Right. The key thing here is the sabotaging, as I gather. That’s why action is being taken.
Plenty of people don’t listen in BGs - but most of them are harmless: they’re not helping, but they’re not really hindering, either. Now, when someone grabs the AA or drives a Seige (examples you used) without knowing what the heck they’re doing, or at least listening to those who do… we wind up in sabotaging territory because those are important jobs that can cost the game. Am I understanding you correctly?
The thing is, the people arguing against the Premades (and syncers) are biased AF and aren’t even trying to understand. They have decided their position before the argument even began, which makes the argument moot. Reasonable people enter into a debate recognizing their fallibility, and are willing to be (potentially) convinced - by the reasonable argument(s) - of a contrary position.
Depends. The above examples they gave were reasonable enough, IMO - or how would you define, “Gameplay sabotage,” exactly? What consists a reasonable use of the function to remove saboteurs? If you’re about to say something along the lines of, “Nothing,” then you can go cry to the devs about adding the function in the first place and stop harassing others for making use of it.
Some players keep finding ways to continue cheating.
We have seen actions since a long time ago.
Cheating. Can we at least agree cheating is not allowed?
Yikes. You spout these phrases a bit too easily.
It happened.
Blizzard has allowed this problem to fester. There have been actions taken to stymie full premades, but it seems Blizzard needs to take a harsher stance.
Yes. For example, a pug was kicked because they picked up the AA.
Agree to disagree.
Shocking. Cheaters saying cheating is open to interpretation.
Sorry, pugs keep this game alive. Not full premade communities.
Full premades drive other players away from PvP. See all the pugs leaving bgs when they’re getting roflstomped by premade raids.
A pug picking up the AA against the premade raid’s orders is gameplay sabotage? (By the way, the premade raid isn’t even supposed to be there.)