Are there any PvP guilds out there?

Hey, can I “borrow” that image? I really like it.

I feel ya lol.
Trust me, optimizing to a literal 100% winrate, to the point where literally nobody can get even close to beating you, is NOT fun in the long run.
Seriously, take my word for it. Games are more fun when there’s always a “chance” of losing.

Takes slightly more. I think it’s around 8-10.

Hey Torture, look, I kick toxic people all the time who are causing problems and hurting our win chances, so I get where you’re coming from, but uh…premade leader to premade leader, I am just curious, was it really that important that one specific person had the AA?

Obviously you do you, but just seems a little overkill to kick someone for it, no? They coulda done some good DEEPS too, who knows?

Wait, SAS kicks pugs to get more healers? Wow lol

Honestly, it seems like there’s one person in DJL who’s kind of elitist and all that. Kinda sucks, ngl. The community is otherwise pretty solid. “One bad apple…”

Okay Cinco, no need to lie lol

I don’t think I’ve received any personal messages of anyone apologizing to me, or asking for forgiveness, regarding anything they did (from your community).

Unless, of course, you meant that that person made amends to yourself… (ie, they asked YOU for forgiveness)

…which honestly, seems kind of “on brand” lol.

Hey, if you wanted SAS to like you, you should’ve exploited the Hypercompressed Ocean toy in Wintergrasp. :wink:
SAS has no problem with people who exploited that one lol

Hey, all the leads have their own flaws, but at least Torture’s not transphobic.

I’d classify her as one of the “least” toxic Horde community leads for that reason alone tbh.

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