Hydra Premades LFM for Horde Rated BG Teams

Kinda surprised Zee can still post in the forums.

I ran with Hydra every night, or almost every night for like the last 6 months of WoD, running AV and farming HKs. I had a lot of fun. The point was to not cap anything, push the alliance to their cave and farm em until the resources ran out, rinse repeat. So, that sound cloud file, was pretty spot on. If you were in vent with the group and capped, they got salty AF, and rightly so. I mean you joined the group to do what? Eff up the whole reason we were in there?? Pugs getting kicked for the same reason, different story. That was always wrong. Always. They weren’t in vent, and they didnt sign up to farm. They were there to play objectives. Zee and Yaga would kick them instantly the sec they capped. Just wrong. But when we had a full 40, it was a very fun time.