Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

The “harmfulness” of it is irrelevant. It is deceptive, misinformative, unproductive, and a general nuisance. Therefore, the activity needs to be investigated, and the users, sanctioned.

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Dear OP,
Why does this bother you so much? It is just a forum and it is expected that some people will do wacky things in order to try and make their point. Yes it is childish and yes it is silly, but does it really matter? :man_shrugging: :thinking:

I get it. You’re the Angel of Vengeance™ who should control who or what is posted and discussed. You will ban everyone you disagree with for posting “extraneous” material until there is no one left.

How is it a nuisance? Someone expresses an opinion and you either agree with it, don’t agree with it, or don’t care. As for deception, nothing, absolutely nothing, depends on this forum other than having fun chatting away.

So what if you are deceived by having the same person express an opinion from two accounts? How does that impact your life? It’s not like a car company lying about a safety issue in a car they sell you.

Personally I don’t see the point but if forum posters have an alt, I can’t imagine how that could impact me in a negative way.

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Read the post. I specifically mentioned “inflammatory spam posts”, not “opinions”.

Answered your own question.

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BattleTags would be a solution.

Ok, to answer my own question It doesn’t matter.

As for inflammatory posts, if you have two such posts, what’s the difference between them both coming from the same person and each coming from a different person?

:thinking: so you’re admitting that, yet you took the time to write the post. :woman_facepalming:

That part of the post was for the Vulpera, not you.

This is still not even in the ballpark of what I raised an issue with. If you would read the definition of “sockpuppeting”…

I quoted your question about sockpuppeting and then posted another part of your reply as an answer to it. Are the two of you pretending like you don’t understand what I’m saying?

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I’m not pretending anything. I don’t understand why stuff like this bothers people. Blizzard knows who is posting what and if they have an issue with it, they can remove it and have a chat with the account holder.

It’s deceptive and people who sockpuppet try to create dissension with multiple alts arguing with each other or to create an echo chamber. I’ve caught quiet a few self-liking and self-responding their own posts to make it seem like they have the “popular” opinion. We have seen sockpuppets go after people and some posters don’t know to look for pets/achievements. It’s also unessesary work. BattleTags would remove all of that.

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Only on GD, EU CC members wouldn’t be affected. They’d still access the CC forum.

The MVPs would have to level, light forbid they actually play the game.

The EU CC members would have to… Gee I don’t know, use the EU general forums (or spend some cash).

There needs to be a textbox to enter reasons while flagging like the old forums had.

But low level trolls are responsible for most of the trolling and are most of the socks on here.

Ignore also needs to hide threads by ignored users. This would make the t troll less successful.

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It isn’t deceptive at all. You can always go look to see if the person is the same person that posted above you know. It isn’t that difficult to look people up.

Why does this even bother people, it’s a forum about a video game. If you’re that invested in meaningless online conversations about nothing it’s time to get a life.


Yes, it is. What is the point of self-liking, creating dissension with arguing points with your own alts, or creating an echo chamber to fabricate a popular opinion. Those are definitive methods of deception.

We shouldn’t have to go through the work to verify if people are talking to tbemselves. We need BattleTags.


It’s mostly people fed up with the blood elf/void elf hunter whose name begins with T making fake lgbt+ threads to stoke hate coming back on new accounts after he’s banned.

Account switching is a Blizzard problem, but I agree that if you get banned and come back to post on another account that’s something to actually care about Blizzard addressing.

That’s what people are talking about here. People who use sock puppets to troll to bypass bans for trolling.

You are actually talking to a known account switcher. Zandrae has multiple alts that I caught talking to each other and self liking not too long ago lol. The irony.


My btag is associated with my account and my friends list and that is all I want it associated with. I find it to be a waste of energy to really care if some random guy posts from each of their characters on the forum. It doesn’t have any baring on anything blizzard does… and the reality is, you can just scroll on by the posts you dislike.