Please Deal With Sockpuppeting


To be clear, switching characters I don’t care about, and no one should care about. It’s fake internet points and a video game.

If Blizzard bans you and you get on a completely different account to get around the ban, you’re breaking what amounts to a legal agreement and need to get a life yourself and go do something else with your time.

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Battlenet being public means that my stalker will be able to find out all my alts and harass me easier across social media. It also hurts other things.

Raising the minimum posting level to one over the previous expansion for GD only would solve a vast majority of the problems.

I don’t think I’ve switched alts in months outside of bumping my guild recruitment thread and making jokes. That human paladin is just has a personal vendetta against me because I’m not on board with their cringe quest to find out who everyone’s alts are.

I have them on ignore.


We already had this conversation. No they can’t. No one can stalk you. You need to be mutual friends for them to message you or to see if you are even online. They can’t see your alts either. Even though I have already found your 40+ alt army without BattleTags. Battletags would have been more secure and I wouldn’t have been able to find your alts.


For example. I’ll switch to this character and ask people who are posting diatribes how they really feel.

Oh noes. Humor.

Having alts is clearly worse than dodging bans using multiple battlenet accounts.

What is the Talon squad? New to the forums.

They’re one or more players who all have T names and play velf or belf hunters who post fake LGBT+ threads with the intention of stoking hate and harassment against LGBT+ people here.

The mods can’t tell the difference between the fakes and genuine people.


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Sock puppetry sounds a little… dirty.

So just ignore him.

Didn’t you Doxx a disabled member of the community? Of course you’re being watched, dude. You’re not being ‘stalked’, people just don’t trust you after the genuine horrible stuff you said about them and revealing the place they work at.


why does this matter, literally who cares.

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Yeah I remember that one. That was cooked

“Oh I didn’t dox I just gave away something that would help someone find their location”

“Noo I didn’t do that I was hacked for the time of that one tweet and then not after”

My brother in Christ, you’ve been harassing VE players for absolute bloody nonsense for years, including attempting to publicly doxx the working address of a well known DISABLED player in that community because you’re upsetti over customizations because, and I quote, “High Elves attract N4zis”.

Which, to this day, remains the dumbest nonsense I’ve heard of, given Scarlet Crusaders, HMPs, Lightforged, and YOU are standing right there.

Or, you could not stalk and harass people on Social Media who are regularly able to identify you because of:

A) Your Btag you keep posting.
B) The mass flagging you attempt via specific sockpuppets or community members and discords outed for performing targetted harassment.
C) Pictures of your characters you keep posting.

Hello Stalker Pot, meet Harrassment Kettle.


And they were doxxed over wanting customizations for an under represented race. How genuinely screwed up is that! Of course nobody trusts this dude. Who threatens anothers lively hood over pixels…


Can confirm this happening. It was big yikes.


Blizzard should just have it by account instead of World of Warcraft characters. But of course only showing our Battle Net name and not the numbers. Not to mention, Classic characters should only be able to reply/make threads on the classic forums, not on the other forums. It’s just a easy throw-away/hiding account.


the developers have already stated on the old forums they aren’t going to entertain the idea of bringing back the dislike button because it was heavily abused to silence people just for expressing a opinion that didn’t align with popular sentiment. a lot of people also used it as a report button and that gave the mods extra work to deal with.


Well you wasted your time doing so because I’ve done nothing wrong. You’re wasting Blizzard resources which could be used on implementing feedback.

Disagree. People need to have credibility to the things they comment on.

Who has more credibility to talk about say mythic raiding, the guy that’s never cleared heroic or the multi CE guy?

Credibility for your arguments is a must