Suspected Sockpuppet Mass Liking My Posts

This is my post from the soda thread as I did not want it to get lost there.

The individual doing this is still doing it as of today. To make it clear, liking my posts is not a problem. The problem is using different alts to like a bunch of different posts, seemingly with the intent of spamming my notifications, which is just harassment and spamming. And as I said previously, some of them have extremely inappropriate names. Apologies if it sounds redundant. I am just rehashing what I stated before as this is a new thread, and yes, I am well aware that if account holders are actioned, you cannot tell me.


Report their posts. You’ve been told many times that posting here is not going to get it looked at. Report them and move on.

This is quite honestly one of the biggest stretches I have ever seen on this forum. That’s quite an accomplishment.

Report them. That’s all you can do.

EDIT: Looking at your last post, you were given an answer. It is simply not happening the way you insist it’s happening.


There’s no option to report a like unfortunately.

That said, maybe try putting in a ticket using the option below. It’s not perfect, but it’s close. Someone can then look into the inappropriate names being used to like you posts (assuming it’s still happening).


I’m confused why I was linked to this thread on notifications, but I do get liked by the same individuals and get notifications. None have inappropriate names from memory but making your profile private might help


Probably because the OP linked one of your responses in the first post.

This is also not the place to pull in tiny feuds from other forums. So if that’s the goal here, let’s rethink it.

You can’t report a character with an inappropriate name for simply liking a post. The OP is correct, that some of the char names used were not appropriate.

The chars liking the OPs posts is a separate topic from the T’s, which is what they did get an answer to.


And I have said many times that somebody that liked a post cannot be flagged.

“Biggest stretches”? It is happening to me right now.

I think you’re confusing my problems with separate claims about the “T” people. I am not talking about them. It was, however, their posts that I originally saw getting mass liked by what appeared to be alts from the same account all in one place. If anything, given what Vrak said, it is likely that somebody may be trying to impersonate to sabotage Talon.

I linked it because one of the people that seem to be using alts liked some of your posts so I linked a post that was liked by an alt I didn’t catch before. I am not accusing you of anything, and if it turns out that somebody is impersonating or sabotaging you, then for any previous accusations, I do apologize, regardless of our disagreements.


If it’s the person I think it is, yeah they do that on at least 11 different characters.

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The entire thread is about the sockpuppeting issue. The OP has been told that it’s not happening in this circumstance.

Since the sockpuppeting is not happening, then the entire ridiculous premise of “they are liking my post to spam me with notifications” is not happening that way, either.

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We don’t really need a whole thread on this, most so when it feels like it’s personally asking the blues to do something outside of their job title.


Ignore the T’s thing.

The core of the new complaint in this thread is that someone else is using a group of alts under the same account with matching stats to like the OPs posts. Those alts have names that are not appropriate and can’t be reported.

They are right that the names are not ok, and that you can’t report it from a “like”. If it is one person using bad sexual names to show up in someone’s mentions then that is a bit creepy.

Again, ignore the T’s thing.


A more accurate title for this thread would have been “Someone with an inappropriate name liking my posts.” and how do I report them.


You are simply incorrect. There are two different contexts here. One of them is about Talon being accused of posting on different accounts just to stir the pot. What I am talking about is somebody else that seems to be, with overwhelming evidence, mass liking posts on different alts.

Yes, we do. There is problematic behavior occurring with no way to report it to the moderators.

Precisely, this has been settled be Vrak already. I don’t know about others in General Discussion, but I already dropped the “T” situation.


I think the only reason the T was linked in here was just to show “hey this is happening” kind of thing regarding likes etc.

FYI if you go to check pvp and type in the person’s name, you can find all their alts.


Pearl gave a link to report such.


The context here is probably confusing because looking back, I sort of stirred three different problems together. The main issue is that somebody seems to be using alts to spam like my posts, which blows up my notifications when they do it. The secondary problem is that some of the suspected characters happen to have sexually explicit names. As for the third problem, the T situation, that is dropped and I am no longer referencing that individual in any way.

Correct me if I’m mistaken but tickets go to game masters, not moderators, right? The whole purpose of my sockpuppet thread in General Discussion was to illustrate the need for more flagging options so problems can be handled promptly and directly, instead of having to go through game masters, who could be spending that time helping people with in-game issues. And to be clear, I know that is an option, which I am going to use, but the problem is that I don’t believe that to be effective as that means individual tickets have to wait in queue for a forum issue, and not everybody would think to or want to go through the trouble of submitting one in the first place.

The advice you gave me was perfectly fine and I will take advantage of it. It is just a matter of hoping Blizzard will implement the necessary changes to alleviate the problems I raised at some point. Thank you for the help.

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This particular option is regarding forum access. I believe that it is the closest option you’re going to see to be honest. If I’m wrong, I’m sure Vrak will let me know, but for now that might be the best route for reporting the likes from characters with inappropriate names.

I’d leave everything else out of that ticket. Just focus on providing links to posts where they can see the likes and the name.

That way they can look into what account might be doing it.


Indeed, the one doing the “likes” on the OPs post has at least 24 alts the system knows of, and some have inappropriate names, others are fine.


Dang they are up to 24?!

But yeah there’s some of the names on it that are like HOLY COW and others are “eh” but yeah there’s 1 with a reference to a specific IRL event that is mega cringe. :expressionless:


There are several there that make me ask questions about their IRL views… Pretty sure I would not add them to a friends list.