Complete the Death Knight starting experience in Wrath of the Lich King Classic before the release of Dragonflight on November 28 and get a Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm mount in World of Warcraft.
Oh, that looks super cool.
give grobb another reason to add to the queue lines!
Nice! Gotta lvl a dk rn
I think that might be the first protodrake mount I’ve seen that doesn’t look derpy.
Updating right now . . . .
It’s pretty!
Don’t worry, we’ll do what 90% of people are going to do in a few weeks which is not log back on.
Really gotta roll this out before dealing with the 3-4 hour queues, eh?
This is sort of ironic given all the DKs yeeted for playing AV below level 70.
suprise pikachu face
More cross promotions like this please!
Updating my Classic WoW right now.
That looks really cool… but i’m going to take bets on how fast it will take for servers to crash today…
Why is this a flying mount and not a Dragonriding mount?
Riding this mount for the next 12 weeks only for it to be binned forever-and-ever once DF comes out and we’re riding our Highlands Drakes.
Heck, the ad even says to ride now and in Dragonflight but we already know that flying mounts don’t work with Dragonriding.
Welp, time to log back in !
The differences of the words in vs with.
I love the Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm mount. Thank you for the gift Blizzard
Something like this should be the actual 500 mount reward instead of the Otter mount…
People with 500 mounts are already playing the game and are heavily addicted to increasing a number.
The point of shiny mounts is to be an attractive marketing tool. Even prestige mounts from end-game content exist as a marketing tool to say “If you ‘git gud’ you can earn this cool thing, and in the process you’ll make friends and have fun” etc.
Why waste a high budget asset on something like 500 mounts? Heck, Nintendo actually hates people who do this, in Zelda if you grind all of the Korok seeds they give you a golden poop to kind of say “yes, here is a reward, but you are playing the game wrong so your reward is poop”. Stop grinding a number, start having fun playing WoW the right way, TBH.