Peace can only be achieved through strength of arms. The Horde must die

No, I am very sincere in my posts you should disagree with the premise.

Also it’s not spam because I only ever have one thread up at any given time, you are free to ignore it.

3 threads? Three threads?

maybe in the last 24 hours.

He’s done double digits this week alone.


I haven’t even double digits in the past month.

Stop filing false reports, just ignore the thread.

“Something’s just… it cannae be right, sir!”

Rather presumptuous of you, wouldn’t you say? To claim representation of the Crown…yet go against the Crown’s policies?

What aggression would that be? Anything recent that would give credence to the idea of starting another war?

Ah, I see. So you really DO plan on pushing for seditious acts? It makes one wonder if traitors like you are hung, beheaded, or tossed into the Stockade…

Oh, my. I guess paladins really do tell lies.

Pride goeth before a fall, and through your selfish need for glory, many died unnecessarily, and the surviving men that followed you will all face court-martial, and perhaps even imprisonment. Vigilantes don’t get to go against the dictates of the Crown…the very law of the land…and get rewarded for it, even IF the King (or Regent, as is the current case) wanted to let it slide. Setting such a precedence would be disastrous.

Oh, ouch. The BURN in this one! I salute you.

Three separate threads all saying the same thing. Kill horde and horde must die. Instead of just concentrating it in just one mega thread. This one would be #4.


You are missing the threads moved to the story forum and a bunch of outright deleted ones too :slight_smile:

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Death to the HORDE :rage:

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He kind of has that Primarch look about him.


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You love to see it.

Now please stop submitting false reports, the mods have better things to do.

Death to all Horde.

And please stop spamming unless it is the kind you fry up and eat then bring the cans of spam over.


The air tights around Blom as Henceforth crosses the air on his might Plagued Proto-Drake. Once he lands, he takes his Axe out of the saddle and holds it with one single hand, as he walks towards Blom.

I heard that you have been declaring death to the Horde. That you walked away victorious from a battle. Weak men like you don’t know the joy of the battle, the smell of blood in the battlefield. You’re here cheering upon the death of my brothers. Well, Death itself has come for you.

Still in shock in seeing the Death Knight right in front of him and unable to move due to the fear that froze his very spine, Blom can only watch as Henceforth raises Svala’gora and swings it on Blom. Blom eyes are fixated in the ax blade as it moves towards him. For Blom, each second takes an eternity. He tries everything he can but he can’t even say a word. His men are also do not move. They are either paralyzed by fear or by the frost presence of the Death Knight. As Svala’gora hits Blom, he does a silent scream that is not heard but felt in the bones of his men and it lasts as the balde cuts him in half.

Cut in half, lies on the ground, the lifeless body of Blom. As Henceforth drains the blood of Blom with his ax, he turns the attention to the Alliance Vanguard.

Cowards. You’re all cowards. You couldn’t even move and just watched your hero die right in front of you. You painted us as monsters, as villains. I’ll show you what a monster can be. You’ll never forget this day, and this shall be your curse. If you ever come in my presence, ever again, you shall be paralyzed again, waiting for your death.

With everyone still unable to move and in dismay from what just happened, Henceforth mounts up on his dragon and seethe his ax in the saddle. As they take off, the wind chills everyone’s bones. Once he gets out of their vision, they all drop on their knees and start throwing up a mixture of their last meal and blood.

Those that seek war in name of peace lie to themselves. They shall pay the price with their blood and with their soul.

The worst part of this post isn’t the delusional fanfic, it’s that you spelled axe as ax.

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Corpse, you’re dead, don’t post anymore. You lost at your own game.

Furthermore, study English, please.

The debate between “ax” and “axe” is a common one, with both spellings being used to refer to the same tool. The main difference lies in the regional variations of English.

American English: In American English, “ax” is the preferred spelling, and it is commonly used in everyday language.

British English: In British English, “axe” is the preferred spelling, and it is also widely used.

Origin: The word “ax” or “axe” has its roots in Old English, where it was spelled “æx”. Over time, the spelling evolved to “ax” in American English and “axe” in British English.


Pick one friend.

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hmm, that is inappropriate, harassment is against the CoC. I hope one mod do not ignore this flag and take the necessary action. Not only you have broken the rules of this forum but also attacked me personally.

You just wrote an entire story about killing me lmfao.
Please stop trolling it’s against the CoC.

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You literally told a story about how your racist human battalion genocided several horde races and were cheering up on it.

I continued your story and told the tale of an Orc Death Knight called Henceforth, who decided to to take matters into his own hands, and murdered Blom, the guilds commander in front of them, and left untouched, leaving the them shocked and unable to move due to the fear of his presence.

Too bad you aren’t alive to continue your own story. Maybe you want to continue saying a Necromancer brought your pieces together and brought you back into life as his minion? I don’t know.

I thought you liked such stories, and that is why you were on this fan fiction forum.

It is a fiction.


Do you identify as Thrall?

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I wrote some fiction of my own because you inspired me Blom.