Peace can only be achieved through strength of arms. The Horde must die

Please grow up.

Stormwind expanded to the edges of Stranglethorn but didn’t go further. The king’s decision was to put up a defensive war against the trolls, not an aggressive one. The trolls couldn’t leave well enough alone.

Pre-Dark Portal, the trolls were among the most aggressive species in the Eastern Kingdoms. They had picked a fight with just about every nation, and acted like land they stole from somebody else belonged to them.

Which happens a lot with Human kingdoms. Other groups can’t leave well enough alone and then they find out that Humanity is much better than them at waging war.

How do you define “peace”?

Facts. That guy clearly doesn’t what he is talking about. Stormwind were the Defenders in that war, the first strike was dealt by the Gurubashi. King Wrynn was desperately trying to de-escalate the conflict and appease the Gurubashi.

Stormwind’s aging ruler, King Barathen Wrynn, adopted a non-aggressive stance to these instances of violence, hoping to prevent provoking an all-out war between the two races. In time, what were once small clashes erupted into much larger disturbances. Organized troll warbands frequently began raiding Stormwindian lands and an ever-increasing amount of blood was spilled in the conflict.

In response, King Barathen continued his policy of static defense, ordering his troops to intercept and engage any invaders but forbidding them from launching retaliatory attacks into troll lands. This decision proved bitterly controversial within the kingdom, where the king’s own son Prince Llane strongly advocated for a more aggressive approach. His determination that Stormwind should strike back against the trolls ultimately led him into harsh conflict with his father.

While King Barathen’s efforts against the Gurubashi were effective, his armies could not stop every troll attack. At one point, a raiding party was successful in slipping past Stormwind’s patrol lines, penetrating deep into the kingdom’s breadbasket of Westfall. There they cut a swathe of destruction through the region, razing three separate towns to the ground. Ultimately, the invaders were caught up with and slain, but the barbaric and gruesome destruction they had managed to wreak shocked the kingdom. In response, the king held meetings with the nobility and his allies, although he remained adamant in his adherence to a policy of de-escalation. King Barathen declared that, while Stormwind’s armies would be strengthened and bolstered, no offensive action would be taken against the Gurubashi trolls.

h ttps://

Yeah, a harsh lesson that the Gurubashi learned the hard way, when they were barbecue’d and grilled under Stormwind’s walls. :rofl:

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He’s a meanie!

Facts. That guy clearly doesn’t what he is talking about. Stormwind were the Defenders in that war, the first strike was dealt by the Gurubashi. King Wrynn was desperately trying to de-escalate the conflict and appease the Gurubashi.

Did you miss the part where the Humans were the ones provoking the aggression with their expansionism? Trick question, I know you did.

Years after the Gnoll War, from which the humans emerged victorious, the isolated Kingdom of Stormwind continued to prosper in the southeastern areas of the Eastern Kingdoms. Now living in relative peace, Stormwind’s settlers and farmers began to expand the kingdom’s borders, pushing farther in all directions. In particular, vast new territories were claimed south of the human nation, located perilously close to the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale — the ancient homeland of the Gurubashi tribe of jungle trolls


while Stormwind is the largest, richest, most beautiful, and most important city on Azeroth.


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Do we get to keep the blood elves… for science?

In the immortal words of that great Hispanic (?) philosopher, Razor Ramone: “Don’t sing it, bring it”.

Please open up your pvp finder in looking for group. And join random battlegrounds and pvp on there. You are just trolling and spamming at this point.

Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!
Horde must die!

How many times are you going to say it?


Ignoring how the latter half of that statement is fanfiction & headcanon, you’re aware the quote you’re replying to is from a non-canon movie, Yes?


How can you be off topic in a General Discussion?

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Are hmps collectively doing a bit or are they really like this

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Yes. Also, Yes.

Yes to both questions.

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I think this belongs in the RP forum. Way on the bottom.


No it belongs in the trash can. He made 3 threads similar to this one about horde must die. He is trolling and spamming.


I wish I could plant another Flag of Ownership on yet another Bloodthirsty Blom thread, but many others beat me to it.