Justice for Theramore, Justice for Teldrassil, Justice for the slain.
It has been denied time and time again.
Anduin wishes for peace at any price, but Anduin is naive.
If our leaders will not give us justice, we will take it ourselves.
(Alliance should commit some atrocity against the Horde, either destroying a major city or some other type of attack. It should be some group who feel that they have never received justice for the countless horde atrocities. The story as it stands with Horde …
Why is it only Alliance cities ever destroyed?
Theramore, Southshore, Auberdide, Nethergarde Keep, Lor’danel, Teldrassil, Dalaran.
VS Lordaeron (Which was technically Alliance anyways)
Lorewise, a group of alliance extremists who are unhappy about never receiving justice for Theramore, Teldrassil etc launch an attack on Orgrimmar, murdering hundreds of iconic named characters, women, children etc.
They are then pursued by both factions with the Alliance finally catching them and about to put them to death when Thrall steps in and demands the perpetrators answer to the Horde.
While in Horde custody the alliance they are able to escape to another world/dimension etc… the story…
Three separate threads all saying the same thing. Kill horde and horde must die. Instead of just concentrating it in just one mega thread. This one would be #4 .