Pandaran Racial - Epicurean

Real Simple request. Add the “hearty” aspect of foods to the Epicurean racial. If panda racial is already tied to a consumable item it would seem that allowing the consumable to persist through death using a feature already in the game for several years now (between the DF embellishment and the new “hearty” foods) would be a small QOL change but would allow pandas to maintain their racial bonus like other races do already, just at a reduced expense for the consumable.

I recognize that this or some version of this has been mentioned in the past but it’s been quite a while and that was before the design was already in the game. Hopefully some fresh eyes may see this as a reasonable adjustment.


This reinforces what I, you and many other players have thought about the changes this racial should have had for many years.


Yeah, I can see this is as a nice but small QoL update that would be nice but not break anything.

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