So, the Pandaren racial “Epicurean” that gives double the effect of any food eaten. It’s a great, fun racial. Adds a lot of flavor (no pun intended) to Pandaren. However, there’s a problem with how it works in PVP. This is already an age-old problem, since Pandaren were introduced. In WoD they gave us a food item, Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles to help alleviate this. But we still have to go to Ashran and buy stacks upon stacks of noodles like we’re a starving college student. On top of having to go to an old city to buy noodles, it takes ten seconds to eat in PVP. This is less of a problem in arenas since they’re one and done. But in BGs this requires you to sit for 10 seconds each time you die. And in normal BGs, this can be quite a lot.
My solution? Epicurean also becomes an activatable racial that produces said Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles when used, at any time, to give us 21 Versatility instantly without needing to spend 10 seconds eating. It’s essentially a 1% Versatility buff on demand, but with an extra step. Which I’m fine with, since it keeps intact the racial’s ability to give us bonuses to other food too. All I ask is for this annoyance to be rectified.
This is also another good solution, by someone in the thread! Allow Pandaren to keep their food buffs through death, since it is such an integral part of our racials.
I’m just a lowly PvE Pandaren. Does our food buff not work in PvP?
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Put this line in commodities because it’s pure gold
And maybe give pandas a pvp gum. We can blow bubbles, get the buff that persists through pvp death and only usable in BG’s
the time it takes to get the buff hurts your team because you are basically sitting there. Also it costs gold to use our most prominent racial much like back in the day where hunters had to spend gold on arrows
It works. The problem is that food buffs work as they normally do. That is to say, when you die, you lose the buff. And every time you enter an arena, you lose the buff. In PVP this can be quite annoying, and require you to have an entire pack filled with pre-mixed noodles.
You should be able to b-chug the food for quicker buffs.
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I’d say just make it so Pandarens also get the buff instantly when we eat. We don’t just eat, we inhale the food.
That fixes the solution of how long it takes to get the buff, but it doesn’t fix the problem that we have to go to Ashran to buy a food so our racial can work as intended. I definitely would like for Epicurean to also make it so that we instantly get food buffs too.
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Instant food buff is fine with me.
Just stop eating the entire feast, it’s for the whole team!
The other alternative would be to have Pandarens keep their food buffs through death, like Flasks.
That’s also a fine solution that I’d be happy with.
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What you need good sir is the slap chop! Makes food prep a breeze!!
I so rarely hear about Pandas that seeing Panda problems is somehow funny to me.
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There are some panda problems, let me tell you. We still don’t have an actual language.
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Put the noodles on the latest pvp vendor would be my solution. Instant eat like the pvp feasts would be nice as well.
Bump, because I would like this to be seen.
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Thanks! It would be really helpful if we were able to get any kind of buff. It doesn’t have to even be mechanically intensive like my original idea was. It can just be as simple as allowing Pandaren to keep food buffs through death.
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Good idea
I like it. The racial should let our Pandaren friends eat quicker perhaps (?) reduce the time it takes to get the buff or something? Persist through death is a good one!
All for helping our panda mates out.