Paid Services Down in Era

Paid services on Era are offline. Anyone else notice?


They work on Grobb but they don’t on Whitemane

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When I go to the shop it says no services available and to check back later. I also get a lua error.

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We realized that the character transfers are kind of meaningless in 1.15.X, since the Era realms are all connected and transfers aren’t enabled for the other realms, so they were almost entirely a money trap. In light of that, we removed them from the shop (except for the free transfers off of hardcore of course).

The Lua error is a known issue that we’re working on.


I was looking to move characters off of PvP to PvE. This seems like it’d be reasonable to keep.


I haven’t tested this out, but just looking at the wording, I’m curious if you are unable to transfer your character(s) for free to Mankrik, if that’s the case:


Please give us transfers back. People like to transfer from time to time between the Whitemane cluster, Mankrik cluster and Grobb and the other RPPvP servers. Also, no one asked for this change. It’s very frustrating.


Please reconsider this. Paid transfers into Grobbulus are a tool utilized by members looking to join our guild on Grobbulus. We enjoy playing on a quiet realm and, judging by the number of players who have voluntarily joined us over the last year, we are not alone. When we recruit we are very clear about the nature of our server, and yet people choose to join us anyway.

Closing off transfers into Grobbulus hinders our efforts to grow our ranks with like minded players.

Furthermore, while a nice out for players who may come to regret their decision to transfer in later, free transfers are almost exclusively used by players looking to transfer large quantities of consumables and consumable materials onto the main clusters. It’s these transfers that we would prefer shut down as our server has a large population of players who are only there to exploit the existing free transfer service :frowning:

In summary…

Paid transfers in good, free transfers out bad.


Hey Kethryllia,

Thanks for the reply. This overlooks that not all servers are connected. RP PvP servers like Grobbulus Era (the only place I play this game) still have active communities, which rely on transfers TO Grobbulus FROM Whitemane/Mankirk.

If you look at my forum post history, you’ll see I’ve been actively recruiting for Legacy on Grobbulus Era since 2022. We’ve been around for 3.5 years, and we heavily rely on the transfer service to bring new friends to our server. Sure folks can level from 1 to 60, but that’s a huge ask. We often have folks transfer their 60s from Whitemane to Grobb to play with us.

Without the transfer service, you will likely kill off our ability to recruit and bring in new people to our little farm town server.

Of course, if you enabled FCMs from Whitemane/Mankirk clusters TO Grobbulus, there would be no issues and we’d have an even easier time recruiting. However without this service, you have cut off our ability to bring in new people.

There are about 100 people actively playing on Grobbulus. We love it here. We kill KT, we organize realm events with the opposing guild on the opposite faction, and people who are tried of the GDKP fest on Whitemane have found solace on Grobbulus Era, moving their level 60s over to what is otherwise a “dead server”, which many folks (who already have a 60) don’t want to level up again on.

Please, reconsider shutting down the Paid Transfer Service. Or better yet, enable FCMs TO grobbulus from the other realms.




Hi Keth, if I recall correctly, US west, US East, Oceanic Classic Era clusters and their realms are not all connected as one collective individual realm. They are separate grouped entities on its own.

Can we include free transfers to and from them to allow greater flexibility and accessibility options?

Many thanks!


To Whitemane, only. :frowning:


I just don’t understand. I’ve never heard of a company that wants to protect consumers from themselves by shutting off a service that people want and are using. And based on a false premise that all the realms are connected.


Hello Kethryllia,

As mentioned by others on Grobbulus, we recruit people from whitemane who want a escape from the megaserver and GDKPs. Will you please reconsider opening transfers to Grobbulus to give people an option to avoid GDKPs. Thank you!


Hate to break it to you but this high ground response seems odd at best not sure you realize we are talking about a game. People simply want to play with their friends ( AND WORSE sometimes their own families) those transfers are therefore at times required to make that happen - So that is what you closed. There are many ways to end your self proclaimed money trap - I will leave that to you, although don’t you now have an insanely ridiculous priced mount certain people can now purchase in retail?? Besides adults prefer to choose how they spend their monies & even if they want to buy some overly expensive silly mount well maybe it just may not be silly to them OR expensive - welcome to a free market society - how about you join the rest of your customers where they prefer to play this game.


Please reconsider this for Grobbulus! We need to have the availability to transfer here to bolster our ranks!


Hey all, I’ll pass this feedback along; I obviously can’t make any promises though.


Thank you!!!


Thank you, Kethryllia.

We have multiple players and family members waiting to transfer to Grobbulus Era.

Grobbulus is a small but vibrant community with community events, players that help each other, as well as an active raiding and pvp community. We love our community. We rely on transfers to bring in other like-minded players who seek the type of community we can offer. Without transfers our community and other communities on smaller servers will cease to exist.


As imperfect as it may be we are building a little community of Azeroth’s miscreants. Together we have made a small tight knit community of players that push to play the game in what I can call no more than the fashion. We do stuff sometimes, whether it’s killing for the Dawn in EPL, or the rare occasion we stack on a lava surger. We play together, laugh together and share in the frustrations along the way. We’ve been able to accomplish so much more by bringing in members from afar, wether it’s to escape the min max atmosphere, gdkp attitude, the feeling of being a solo player because the layered world separates everybody in a jagged fashion. We are one server, one world, one community. We are all moti.


I would really like to give Blizzard $25 in exchange for me to go to Grobbulus. Please leave the RP-PVP realm the way it is and allow us to move there. Its community is unique to WoW Classic and should be protected.