Opinion on the in-game shop?

Who says they would add mage tower to the store ? That’s a reach

I never said they should. I said (implied?) there would be outrage if they did. The response back is that they should be added back as a new in-game event (Mage Tower: The Sequel), which I also think would cause a lot of outrage.

You may categorize them differently but they are still under the umbrella of micro-transactions and people did complain about them. But that doesn’t change whether or not we are entitled to everything created for the game by purchasing the game and paying its subscription.

Meh, it is what it is… Don’t care if there is one or not one at all one… Does not effect my game one iota

you know we can see your Celestial Steed… right?

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Trash. The antithesis of any good game.

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Entitled? It’s the buisness itself that determines what they will give with the purchase of the game, and as I said, it used to be common practice for everything to come with the game.

This goes beyond the WoW store and gets into the whole topic of micro-transanctions in the current market. I’m sure the debate on that topic is well known by both of us, so no need to go into it all again. I’ll simply state I preferred the era when micro-transanctions weren’t the norm and have seen how they have impacted the way video games are released.

As long as its just for cosmetics then there is no problem with it.

Any full price game with a cash shop honestly deserives all the hate they get and more and wow is a prime example of why people hate them.

They put more effert in the cash shop items over the last few years then they have in game for a long time the mounts have all looked stunning and what have we gotten just basic stuff that doesn’t even look that impressive until last xpax where they started giving a crap since they were getting so much heat over everything that was happening.

Now they have a option for transmog and supprise supprise it’s a 3d model that fits every race in the game perfectly while we still have massive issue with alot of the in game items to this day, the cash shop is something that should be on free to play games not a full price game that we have to buy on top of paying a sub fee to even play the thing.


I’d rather they didn’t but it is what it is.

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Your opinion is valid, though, I disagree. But I wasn’t the one to bring up the history of micro-microtransactions, so it’s odd that you brought it up in the first place.

I agree with this and think it’s silly not to keep them in the in-game shop instead of promoting like you said artificial scarcity.

Yes. I would be one of those players. That promotes artificial scarcity.

No and I don’t see what that has to do with the discussion at hand.

I have made a thread about re-adding the mage tower back into the game. You’re free to have your own opinion and add to that discussion.

Having trouble finding it, unless this is you:


I think it was the notion of what we are entitled to.

Frankly, it’s a buisness, selling some product, that isn’t essential for like, so the notion of entitlement is irrelevant. It’s simply whether people are willing to purchase what is being offered, and it’s perfectly reasonable for people to claim the deal should be better.

Remember that when you spend that 4.99 on a streamer.

anything that comes from the shop , im not impressed.

then again the goal isnt to impress anyone so you do you !

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I can’t tell if this is a troll, or 100% distilled delusion.

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Another one of these posts :roll_eyes:. “someone posts something that I don’t agree with or like so they must be trolling”. Discussion =/ Trolling.

You asked:

What’s the communities perception of the in-game shop?

I think you have your answer. It’s controversial at best.
