Old Graphics > New Graphics

You do know that you’ve been chain liking the posts of a troll who’s been accusing me of manipulating my screenshots to serve an agenda, right?

I can’t believe that newer graphics give a worse effect than the original. How is that even possible?

I was actually attempting to point out that you did not “Tweak” anything… I believe you’re honest.

I was curious about the differences and I do feel its a misunderstanding of the situation…

Because I have both and AMD graphics card and an Nvidia card and the ability to also use intel on die; I tested all 3 on the same display and found a sizable difference.

AMD looks better in stock format, but that’s just my opinion. The Nvidia card does give the game that bubbly bright appearance that people talk about…

As for my complaints about the graphics; it’s not the world, but the character models and animations that I dislike in the modern game.

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What is he factually correct about?

I’m “going after him” because he’s not slowing down his fictitious rhetoric, despite me posting plenty of video evidence from 2006 that most of the water in Vanilla was indeed mostly transparent, or translucent; whatever you want to call it.

I’ll post the Joana video of his leveling in Ratchet back in 2006, you can see the same water that Mogar showed was completely opaque on the low setting, in the Classic demo:

I’m not going after Mogar, I’m going after his false claims he continues to make. If he wants a change to the Vanilla water, he should just say so instead of pushing an unreality.

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Since it was posted, here’s the waters around Ratchet in 1.12:

I can see the ship under the water.

Like I mentioned, it’s entirely possible that something changed during Vanilla with graphics. A lot of things were patched between 1.1 and 1.12.

However in a 1.12 client, transparent water is not in itself inauthentic. The smoothed out water effect of modern WoW is, but not the mere fact that you can see through the water.

I will note that while flying there, I noticed that the deeper fatigue water did in fact appear to not be transparent.

Once you get closer to the coast though, the water becomes transparent in a 1.12 client.


I haven’t played Vanilla since 2006, there’s multiple water settings in 1.12, right? If so, how do the multiple settings differentiate between each other?

I can’t find any setting that changes the water.

I tried turning everything to minimum and turning off all extra effects and it was still transparent.

Though turning the view distance down to a minimum limits what you can see, but that’s in general both in and out of the water.

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Thanks for taking the time to research this. Despite me wanting toggles for Modern graphics options, I’ve wanted authentic options to be the default. I’ve been saying this for over a year but it’s unfortunately very easy to be labeled a troll and gather enemies here. I suppose it’s a symptom of the times.


I think part of it is something I had suspected would happen since they announced Classic, which is that everybody remembers what Vanilla was differently.

I think it’s inevitable that some people are going to cry foul, even if the thing is authentic. As I’ve shown with screenshots of water, it’s not the way a lot of people remembered it. The same goes for just how dark nights were.

Though now people are going to claim “it’s been modified” or “video drivers can change it”(which isn’t wrong, but it also would have been the case 14 years ago) to try to discredit anything that shows Vanilla wasn’t the way they’re claiming it was.


But i like seeing my deflier tabard on my orc :frowning:

I’m commenting on how the ‘Vanilla’ setting for water effects looked in the demo. My screenshots are from the demo. And as I already said if the devs got it wrong, then obviously they should correct it.

So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I agree it should look like authentic Vanilla water.

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It’s for all the people trying to claim that you couldn’t see through water in Vanilla, and that people saying “New water is transparent and that’s an advantage over Vanilla water” are wrong on account of the fact that Vanilla water is transparent.

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Ok, but the demo ‘Vanilla’ water was opaque. I don’t have a 1.12 client to compare it to. But the devs do, so they know if those pics you linked are accurate. If they are, I expect they’ll fix it and get it right.

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Which, they still should totally do. I mean, pretty much every other MMO I’ve played has given me the ability to change the color of my gear. It would be a pretty big undertaking on Blizzard, but man would it be nice. Granted, I only use the Defias Set(you can ignore this christmas tmog, it was for christmas and I’ve since unsubbed and can’t change it!) and I’m not sure I would dye it. Unless they gave us an even darker black dye. :stuck_out_tongue:

The new graphics are objectively better, perhaps you are referring to subtle art-style changes?

Classic will be using the current engine, so graphic options will likely follow suite, with whatever modifications they made to layer in the old game.

First priority for Classic should be to get a working & accurate version of pre-expansion WOW up. I know they’ve brought in help to re-create the old textures & models so having the old graphics in place is obviously a priority for Blizzard as well.

However, since they are down porting Classic from a version of the game that has all of the modern graphic assets available, because it’s purely an aesthetic change that has no affect on the game play, and because it would be something that everyone would have the option to opt-in, or opt-out of…I don’t see a problem with making it available for players.

I’d probably be against the change if this were a situation were they were leveraging the original client, and would have to invest a significant amount of resources to make modern graphics available.


Except hes 100% right about you. That post he links explains why its not worth the keystrokes to debate classic wow with you. Transmog? Dual Spec? Dollars to Doughnuts you are one of those people that said “Classic will never happen, no one really wants classic” etc. And now that you were wrong, here you come to try and change Classic into something other than what it is.

Back to retail with you. You and your transmog/dual spec loving tendencies clearly never wanted classic wow to begin with. So go away.

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but they don’t do it through multiple texture files, they do it through tints

old graphics, new graphics. doesn’t really matter neither of them are super good.