Old Graphics > New Graphics

I logged into Retail recently to do a graphics comparison with Vanilla, and Retail is bright and ugly compared to Vanilla.

I didn’t stay to long in Retail to note every specific change, but it doesn’t even come close to being as pretty as Vanilla.

Some of us are play testing on a pserver until Classic launches, and man I’m just in awe of how good it still looks.

Everyone in our group agreed the old graphics look better. I’ve seen some threads asking for the new graphics to be an option, but if you feel that way you should check out how the game used to look, because there is no way I would use the newer graphics option if there is one. Does anyone have some more detailed input?


I disagree. I hated retail gameplay (quit during BC and only finally came around to playing again in December) but I loved the new look, draw distance, and spell animations. The druid bear and cat forms stood out to me.


Uhh, wut? I don’t think you’ve done an honest comparison if this is what you’ve concluded.

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I do really like the modern druid forms.


I say they make an option in the interface to switch between updated and non updated graphics and make everyone happy. Im pretty sure this feature already existed in Warlords of Draenor when they updated the models but I could be wrong…


Maybe not. Everyone in my group feels the way I do. It’s ok if you feel different. I wanted to see what everyone else is thinking. I was hoping someone would do the difference better justice than I have.


I’m quite upset they did away with the option to show the old models, as I still prefer the old animations. Never got used to the wonky new runs on NE and human, not to mention the weak environmental effects. Sandstorms in Tanaris are the best.


Arathi Highlands in 2006: https://i.imgur.com/gx0aFns.png
Arathi Highlands in BfA: https://i.imgur.com/3tJ2Pti.png

Tree comparison on BfA, old tree models on the right, BfA ones on the left: https://i.imgur.com/3B9VDu9.png

Someone months ago tried to claim my comparison was dishonest, that the trees on the right were obviously in the season of Fall. Let’s check out the Fall season trees in BfA: https://i.imgur.com/QbUIbcr.png

Drustvar: https://i.imgur.com/QxG1LdY.png

Troll Ruins in Vanilla: https://i.imgur.com/C1FaZRE.jpg
Ruins in Voldun (BfA): https://i.imgur.com/sHtfEbV.png

Icy Mountain in Tiragarde Sound (BfA): https://i.imgur.com/QUDqEtF.png

Boralus at Night (no Inky Black Potion): https://i.imgur.com/5RlekfW.png

I don’t think graphics make a game, I’ve played through more SNES games and NES games than I have anything else in my life (besides multiplayer PC games like WoW and Diablo III). I played a game called Tibia for years, and it probably has worse graphics than even Classic fans would be able to stomach.

However, the graphics in BfA are one of the things I find extremely hard to find many faults with. The gameplay is another story but the zone design and the graphics are my favorite that WoW has ever done.

I don’t know if people will look at those screenshots and if they do, maybe they’ll disagree but I actually enjoyed taking them and sharing them with people. This is the first time I’ve felt the WoW team has done a truly great job at creating amazing landscapes.


Subjective oppinions are subjective. People are going to have their views on whats best and you won’t change that.

I personally prefer classic spell effects and animations but I won’t hold it against someone who likes the current ones.


I really wouldn’t mind the new. Thanks for this post.


I just can’t wait to hear the older bleed sounds warriors made and the kewl sounds maces made…This was a big factor in me wanting to use maces all the time and just spam rend on my warrior just bc it sounded savage


I wouldn’t mind having both. Make it an option in the launcher so skeletons aren’t janky for those that prefer the new models and make the old ones the defaults if no option is chosen.

The old models must be baseline, none of that WoD crap.


I think he’s talking about the art style they used in modern game. It’s “bubbly and anime” It looks like something straight out of a 2007 era Disney animated movie by pixar.

Where as Classic WoW looks like an RPG, it’s got all the elements and art style of Warhammer. They are very very different, and I suspect the younger people would like the new disney look because it’s what they grew up with.

Where as older players would like the old warhammer look because its more D&D oriented.


Are you just repeating “BfA looks Disney” because other people keep repeating it? Show me a movie from 2007 Disney era that looks like any of those BfA screenshots I posted.

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Everyone has the right to enjoy which form they think is best. As I primarily play Trolls, the updated Troll models are so much better imo. From having a soulless, emotionless face (female trolls didn’t even get to blink, not so sure about male trolls?) to having all different kinds of facial features which bring the character to life and helps immensely with my immersion into the game.


This is obviously very personal and subjective, but I prefer the original spell graphics, the original super intense weather, and even the original player models and draw distance.

One thing that really surprised me from playing on vanilla pservers: the shorter draw distance of Vanilla actually makes the world feel larger and more mysterious. It’s cool to be able to see Blackrock Mountain from Westfall on Retail WoW, but it removes the mystery.

Galdor’s photos show that they’ve restored the darkness of original Vanilla nights, but I still don’t think they’ve ever matched the original weather intensity (foggy rain, blizzards, and dust storms, can all be very intense in Vanilla).

The new animations and art are certainly pretty, and Blizzard has great artists who do great work. But it’s just not the same style, so I don’t prefer it. One of the final nails in the coffin for my playing on retail was when they updated the arcane missiles animation in Legion.


Errrr what? Wow was a direct graphical descendant of WC3 which is as cartoon and animeish as was possible in the early 2k’s.

Not a huge WH fan are you? Art from the 2004’s was far grittier than anything in WoW.

I’m an older player, and as i said in an earlier post, Tastes are subjective, don’t tar me or anyone else with your brush.I personally prefer the classic look because theres animations and spell effects I like that don’t exist anymore.


Most people are taking about the character models; not the zones.

I agree with them about the look of the modern character models and animations.


You are wrong. It never worked properly. And nowadays the old models are there but no old animations. Plus old armor doesn’t fit new models at all.


You’re correct in that, but if you look at the elements of it you can see the warhammer influence.

Yes it has a cartoon look in its animated exaggerations, but they’re still WC3 type. Again it’s a very different approach to visuals than what we have now.

Also consider my entire post. I was generalizing in that younger players would like one type while older players would like the original.

I left the ability to understand these basic human generalizations into hand of the reader. It’s something the typical RPG enthusiasts can both detect and apply to this elementary concept.