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Yep old graphics are superior, new ones don’t really fit in with old wow.
Even though they were always weird.
I’d prefer darker new models over the new models in retail.
Yah. I just meant that they should add the ability to dye gear in general. Not add a ton of new texture files bloating up the file size.
So, altering the texture files and they’d have to split certain armor into separate parts to have dye only impact parts it should. Like I said, it would be a huge undertaking. But, I think it would totally be worth it in the end. More customization would be great.
I played back then and there’s no question in my mind that I’d use the new models if I could.
Old Graphics < New Graphics
Fixed that for you.
It’s all subjective though so I would be equally dissapointed if old graphics fans were forced to play with new graphics as I would being forced to play with the old.
I’d also would agree with new graphics. A remastered version as one can say, similar to what many other games have approached. Many people will agree that graphics do not make a game better or worse, so then what will some pretty up to date graphics hurt what made vanilla wow so special? It wasn’t the graphics that made us play vanilla wow. It was not having a decent helm until level 30. It was playing a game that you didnt care much about the experience bar, but the experience of the game.
I am all for updated graphics with a toggle of on and off for the people that want the older graphics. The beautiful art which blizzard has developed recently may introduce an even more beautiful experience we all seek.
Firstly this is so subjective that all people will have different opinion on this subject.
I personally Will not play Vanilla, although I’m waiting it very much, and I was playing this game since Vanilla, but graphic is SO outdated that I don’t want to change retail visuals to old broken animations, cluttery VFX, 256x textures and 8-teeth orcs.
I wish more people agreed with this but there is basically two sides… #nochanges and people who want both as a option, even though the option is proven to work already and effects no one but the user and what they want to perceive
True, would be nice if they allowed an exception for players to mod it in a blizz-kosher way.
New graphics > Old graphics
Personal opinions are cool
I think OP really really need to get his eyes check. Coz his rose glasses is so far in his eye socket might need to be surgically remove
I agree. I like the new environments, but I dislike most of the new models.
I really enjoy the modern human models, and hope they become even more modernized. I would love the entire game get a graphic overhaul - the Division 2 has the most detailed environment I ever played in and I want WoW to be like that. Any progress toward getting WoW more like Division 2 or beyond and less like Warcraft 3 graphics, the better for my preference.
I found it pretty funny how your picture of boralus shows no other players in sight lol.
What zones were you in that you thought were too bright? Go to Drustvar or something. Not all zones are dark and not all zones are bright.
I love the bew graphics, the new druid forms, the new spell animations. Your group probably just isnt used to them. If you loved Classic because of the graphics, something is wrong with you.
New druid forms
Aesthetics > Graphics
Warcraft 3 was charming and unique, it formed the baseline aesthetics for WoW.
As time goes on, what tends to happen is the aesthetics that made the original charming, get watered down by artists trying to make things ‘better’.
It happens all the time which is why so many classic remakes for games, movies even music have more flash, more polish - but less soul.
The art team is like the best part of retail lol - ppl will hate on anything on retail cuz they know they can get those pinkies up.
I think they systems engineers ruined the game too, why is my latency so low and the game isn’t crashing. It’s not my A S T H E T I C
Nah, the original aesthetics of Warcraft have long gone in Retail.
And Warcraft 3 Remastered from what I’ve seen - the artists are great… just not at preserving the original flavour.
System engineers did a great job btw.
I was thinking of other comparisons on the market recently… go look up Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo from 1994 and then go look at the ‘remastered’ HD remix version from 2008 which has ‘better art’ in ‘HD’.
It sucks.
Yeah I was really sad. On my PC , classic looked “fuzzy” and bright, like a dream sequence, compared to the crisp graphics of an older client.