Old Graphics > New Graphics

Actually that video looks different from my game when I set it to default lightning settings(and in fact I can make it look like the video by… turning down my gamma)

Time of day is VERY important to note when trying to show screenshot comparisons. I can’t speak for the one Galdor took of Winterspring in BfA, but being that the Vanilla one he linked was mine I can tell you that was under default lighting settings at about 3AM server time.

I can take one in BfA when my server hits about the same time.

That is unless you’re just going claim I’m going to photoshop it or something if it doesn’t agree with you =P


Why are you even comparing the shininess of winterspring? It’s one of the only zones that should be shiny with the snow. If this wasn’t the most handpicked example then idk what is.

I took that screenshot at night, the Vanilla screenshot was taken by Sabetha at night.

If you would actually go to Winterspring, you’d see the lighting in the zone changes depending where you are. I took my screenshot where Sabetha took theirs.

Here’s some more videos from the same youtuber you linked, this looks darker but I still don’t know if it’s daytime or night:

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The only reason I originally took a screenshot of Vanilla Winterspring is because in another thread somebody claimed that it was a zone that was much darker in Vanilla.

If somebody has another zone they would rather use, I can take screenshots of Vanilla and BfA at the same time of day to compare.

Well the guy linked it as reference to someones point of retail looking too shiny… and then links a snow zone where the snow should be shiny.

This Falnear guy has been following me from thread to thread because he’s butthurt that I called him out on his lies. He keeps saying that his 7 year old i5-2550k can maintain 55-60 FPS in Boralus with almost all his settings max and that Modern WoW isn’t a CPU dependant game. He claims CPU’s like an FX-6300 will never have any issue with it.

LOL. And you keep spewing your nonsense in this thread. Nobody followed you, you think too much of yourself.

I keep saying that at this point a GPU at 1080p 60 FPS is more important than CPU if we talk about anything that’s not 10+ years old.

I also like how you keep posting out of context. Ah well. I guess it’s one way of winning an argument, in your own head at least.


Overkill in every capacity. Yeah, I’m totally taking it out of context :roll_eyes:

There’s some more information that would be needed like other specs and what resolution is it being rendered at.

I could correctly claim that I can run Resident Evil 2 remake at max settings and maintain 60 FPS on a 6 year old PC.

Though it would be running at like 800x600. I wouldn’t stand a chance at 4k.

Jesus Christ. We’ve had this discussion right in this thread already.

As I said, pulling out of context.

And yea. i5-2550k + GTX970 + SSD and 16Gb of RAM = 55-60 FPS in Boralus at 1080p. You at the previous thread, however, for some reason, started to post 1440p benchmarks and still didn’t reply how these were relevant.

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Getting a little off-topic…

I would love the option for straight backed orcs. A toggle needs to be implemented like on live

Oh, FFS, people!

(Sorry. Little outburst there. I’m very much in the “keep Classic classic” camp and all these calls for a “toggle” here and a “toggle” there for every little thing drive me up a wall.)


Why are you so hung up on a single word? His description is accurate regardless of the words used.

Functionally accurate…

Additionally according to the dictionary

 Opaque: not able to be seen through; not transparent

This is the dictionary, I don’t write the rules I just follow them.

The use of opaque may not be ideal but it functionally works; its kinda like when people use the non-word “irregardless”. We all know what they’re saying even if for some crackpot reason people who don’t fully grasp the concept that “Regardless” is the correct use no matter what.

You’re so hell bent on the mundane details that you can’t get anything done… Let it go man.

Did you completely ignore his response to you? I know you have this personal vendetta against me, but come on.

Actually I have no grudge against you. Sure we disagree on a lot of stuff, but there is no need to constantly go after Mogar like that; he’s factually correct on his description that you so strongly criticize for what appears no good reason.

Most people in this forum have more in common than the don’t. I assume we all love Classic WoW and that’s why we’re here…

The differences are minor; a large population of us reject changes to the game because this is about preservation of something we all want to play again…

While there are others like your self who want a “better” experience.

Nothing wrong with wanting a better experience, but I firmly believe that’s a good subject for a different project that very well could come to light if Classic is the resounding success that we all hope it will be.

As for Classic WoW; its my opinion and I know I am far from alone on this… We feel it should be something as close to the original as possible to preserve the experience for all players new and old so that they can take that real and authentic trip though the original game and play it as it was played 14+ years ago.

On the topic of Vanilla water, I’m just going to leave this here:

Not only can I see through the water, I can VERY easily see the Naga that is at least 100 yards away from me. I could see them even if they didn’t have nametags above their heads.

This screenshot was taken at max settings/1080p in a stock 1.12 client.

Also on the topic of “Vanilla had dark nights”, this image is taken at around 2 AM server time and it is not very dark.

Actually, there’s a few zones I need to go check. I recall claiming myself that “a few zones in Vanilla are legitimately darker”, and now I’m doubting that.


Here’s Winterspring at 7:10 PM:

Here’s a timestamp of the same area from the video that Falnear linked:

I haven’t touched my Contrast/Brightness/Gamma settings in any of the screenshots I’ve ever posted, It’s all at the default of 50/50/1.0.

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I’ll also add:

I can turn down the resolution to 800x600, turn every setting to minimum, and turn off every option and I STILL can see the Naga. With view distance turned down I see less of them, but I can still see the ones closest to me in the screenshot.

They might have changed something during Vanilla but in a 1.12 client? You can absolutely see mobs lurking under the water.

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You do know that not all graphics cards or on die adapters display things in exactly the same way yes no?

I mention that because my laptop has a very different look VS my PC… I tested this using the same monitor to be sure it was not the lap top display, but turns out AMD and Nvidia do things a little differently regarding how color and shade / light work.

I honestly have no idea what the actual differences are in how they work but they are different.

As an interesting side note; the intel on-die integrated GPU looks similar to AMD’s Graphics adapters.