Instructions: Link the wowhead page on the affected mount and write a brief sentence of the issue:
Note: Post will be edited to add additional broken mounts as they are found.
Doesn’t launch itself into the sky when double jumping. Also stops flying completely randomly whilst in the air:
Broken surge forward animation (affects all mounts of this type):
Broken surge forward animation and flame affects from rocket boosters missing when flying:
Missing main propeller:
Missing tail glow trails effects when flying (appears to affect all mounts with wing tip animations):
Missing hoof glow trail effects when flying (affects all paladin order hall mounts):
Player model shrinks to microscopic size when moving forward. Also missing dual propellers on arms when flying although they reappear when using Aerial halt:
/mountspecial is broken and does not complete properly. Missing its ground travel animation that it had previously. For reference, see the full animation cycle and proper ground travel animation performed by the Solar Spirehawk:
Puts the player model inside the mount geometry:
The feet have regained the flying animations of the regular mechanized spider mounts (after being purposely altered by blizz during SL because of how stupid it looked due to the fact that it did not have any flame boosters). As a result, the feet now jitter without any flame booster appendages to obfuscate how bad it looks:
Feet thruster effects missing when flying:
Player model shrinks to microscopic size when moving forward and canopy closes when moving forward on the ground. Canopy should only close when flying. Feet thruster effects on even when walking on the ground:
It would appear with the exception of the Felsteel annihilator (which has the opposite issue lol), for whatever reason, most mounts that had additional effects and animations during flight using the old form of flying, have had such effects removed when Skyriding. No idea why.
All disc-type mounts cause the player model to bug out on dismounting and get stuck in the flying animation permanently. This happens about 20% of the time:
Wing tip animation trails missing from all Netherwing mounts as well the Teragosa mount:
Completely missing its /mountspecial animation sequence:
Tails are duplicating when skyriding. They’re meant to have 3 tails and show 3 tails when on the ground. But the moment you start flying, the tails duplicate and you end up with 6 instead:
Lower jaw geometry has moved downward significantly causing their beaks to no longer close properly:
Completely missing all skyriding wind simulation animations:
Mounts the player model inside the mount geometry (e.g. on void elves and vulpera):
Broken/missing frames of its ground running animation causing it to jitter when moving:
When flying through speed boosts like in skyriding races, the wind animation for the incorrect mount is used. It uses the ball of wind used typically for swarmer mounts. Additionally, it places this wind ball animation above the mount, rather than were it usually is, underneath it. I suspect it’s because this mount sits quite low in the vertical plane of the players screen and thus is sitting below the positioning of the wind animation.