Offical 11.0 borked mounts thread

If you get on a flight path while in flight travel form as a druid, you get “grounded” until you retoggle said form if you try to get airborne again after the trip ends.

This is specific to dragonriding being enabled while in druid flight form. The game essentially forgets druid flight form can do so in this case.


I hope they fix these mount issues before the .2 major patch release. I hate how the spellwing looks like it’s always in that breaking/slowing down animation when it runs on the ground.

And the fact other mounts keep their contrails in flight makes it so strange alar loses them sky riding.

It may not be a bug but the serpents feel very stiff when sky riding, almost like a third of the fly cycle is missing. I won’t use any mount with the flying serpent skeleton unless they make it more fluid.

Another mount that looks super janky is the AOTC jailer mount. The ends of the ‘feet’ don’t have a rocket ignition animation and the entire mount shakes a bit too much.

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+1 on this

Just tested this and it appears that the mount has regained the original mechanized spider animations for its feet. However it was originally deliberately changed to be unmoving by blizz during SL due to the fact that it doesn’t have flame boosters on its feet. So now it looks like its jittering all over the place because it doesn’t have the flame booster appendages to hide it.

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I think some of the classes are broken. I can’t change my Paladin to Gnome for some reason.

Also, Mim’s Head has defective fuel tanks.

The G.M.O.D. thrusters no longer fire. Not a major problem since it is kinda rare but still should be on the list. I can’t post gifs otherwise I would.


Appreciate this

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Updated OP with more mounts.

Agreed. The serpent mounts are ruined now. I hope that they can just use the serpent’s steady flying animations for skyriding because the new one is so stiff and boring. They just wobble slightly up and down and it looks bad. Some other mounts like the bees/fly mounts use their steady flight animation it seems and it looks fine.


My class hall horses are working, though

The Underlight Corrupted Behemoth is capped at 310% speed, not the new 420%.
This is not just a tooltip bug.

I believe its because it also has a swim speed modifier. But that shouldn’t hinder it’s flight speed.


It may be just me, and the way the mount looks, but does anyone notice that, at times, the angle of maintaining max speed seems to be much higher than it normally is?

i.e. if the normal angle (downward from horizontal) is 10% to maintain max flight speed (I don’t know what it is, actually), it feels like it’s more like 15-20% at times.

Am I just imagining this?

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This is the proper way to complain about flying. Clear concise actual issues. Well done, keep up the good work.

As a note my felsteel and Sky golem do not have the problems you are listing. Are these intermittent issues?

Also, almost nothing allows “ride-along” even though you can turn it on and off on the fly - only MOST mounts that used to be “Dragonriding” (not the owl type mounts) and a couple of others that had it before, like the Obsidian Nightwing and the Sandstone Drake.

There’s also not a way to search or filter for mounts that allow ride-along.

Honorable Mention: Jígglesworth Sr, the legs out


I know Teragosa’s mount wasn’t one of the original dragon riding mounts but it feels like a missed opportunity to not turn into the cute little Teragosa battle pet for ridealong.

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You should move this to bug reports. It does nothing to alert them here.

I purposely put it in GD originally expressly to garner more engagement so that I could get the most responses possible for the purposes of finding out which mounts were bugged.

But now that it looks like most mounts have been covered, I’ll move it to the bug report forum.

My only addition is that all mounts with special effects on them do not have special effects while dragonriding.

It would appear with the exception of the Felsteel annihilator (which has the opposite issue lol), that you are correct. For whatever reason, most mounts that had additional effects and animations during flight using the old form of flying, have had such effects removed when Skyriding. No idea why.

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