I don’t pay enough attention to other players to notice what their race is 90% of the time. From my recollection, I can’t say that I have ever seen a dracthyr in visage form. Probably have but haven’t registered it.
The squeaky wheel has gotten it’s grease though in this case, soo…
Unless you’re talking about evokers who can do visage combat, which I’d more or less agree is stupid. A little elf/human breathing fire is silly.
They already did allow this.
You’re right! I should make a squeaky Gnome thread.
Hell yeah. It could literally not be worse than 98% of what is posted here.
It just confirmed what I already knew, majority hated how the dragon form looked.
You inspired me!
It’s whatever to me. I don’t understand why anyone would pick the dragon race and then want to run around as a fugly elf or human with dragon-y bits tacked on. I think the Visage Form is one of the ugliest models they’ve ever created.
But whatever, I can just never use it. Has no effect on me if other people use it.
Yep Glizzard form is best!
That “True Form” has since been removed with the introduction of being able to maintain their visage form. Just the same old with a few more options in the character customization.
I am happy with it, once I heard that visage can be permanent I made a warrior and have been having a blast. I always wanted the human with horns look so I’ll take it.
Just happy that people have choice, more choice is best choice.
why would it be a disaster?
it is silly, why are you playing a dracthyr if you don’t want to play a dracthyr?
but at the end of the day it’s a harmless change.
I’m still not a fan of it for a couple of reasons, although I know reversing it would be received disastrously.
First is, since I’m coming at it from a PoV of only being interested in the horde’s monster races and liking that “group of ugly misfits” vibe, I feel it helps further water that down when I see more elvish, and now more outright human models, hanging around on top of the elf races already available. Obviously I’d never say anything in-game because it’d be horrible to try to bring others down for their choices. It’s just a bit of a bummer.
And it sucks for me because I actually like the intent of what visages are trying to say in the story. It’s cool to have a shapeshifting race go “you know, I feel form XYZ best expresses me because I feel most comfortable around this people and their culture”. But you don’t actually get to make that choice; game limitations dictate going for the best bang for your buck, and going with a human/elf look made the most financial sense. I get that, but I feel it accidentally perverts the story intent of visages into horde-side ones as “I don’t identify as one of you” and hiding what makes you a monster in the eyes of humans. Which makes me wonder why such dracthyr would want to hang around the horde at all?
If you had been allowed to choose your visage, and limited them to whichever faction you assigned your dracthyr, I think that’d be a different story, and would be relatively warmer to the idea of visage-fighting. But because you can’t, eeeeeeh.
Which leads to my last disappointment: because visages are the way they currently are, and that you can now fight as them instead of being a dragon, I think any slim chance of being able to change your visage’s race has been permanently torpedoed. I would’ve loved to choose mine as a troll or a tauren, but I can’t. And I’m sure I never will because Blizzard’s financial side has negative incentive to allow dracthyr to essentially “change their race” for free.
So I’m just left with a half-race in the dracthyr because I have no interest in engaging with their visage mechanic, and likely nothing to look forward to with the race in the future.
People care about that form? I think it’s ugly, and sadly has more customization than most races!
statistically nobody did/does. there the super minority. them unlocking more classes for the dracthyr showed that pretty much nobody liked the race and its just the class that people like.
we have known this for years now.
because even though that doesnt look as good as other races it looks better than the lizard who has no transmog options. transmog is the real end game. its always going to be seeing xmog > not seeing it.
i like the class not the race. ide argue the playerbase would play evoker more if it wasnt tied to the dracthyr race or if they could fight in visage form.
I have grown to accept it and even kinda like it. Yes, it could use customization separation completely from Visage, but I can make it work ok.
I think they look great, and a lot of people complaint that they look like twinks. We’re allowed to have ONE twink looking race in the game. Their Visage form also has twink facial options but their bodies are still muscular with 6 packs.
People point to blood elves as twinks but no, really only Vulpera and Dracthyr are. Blood Elves still have 6 packs, broad shoulders and very muscular faces. They’re just thinner than most other races but they would still take you in a fist fight easily.
So I love Dracthyr and I desperately want to be one so I can play a male that actually looks somewhat like I do. Thin and with a softer face.
That being said, in a perfect world, we would get Muscle/weight sliders and options for more feminine male faces and masculine female faces, for all races like most other mmo’s. People should be allowed to play the body they choose. Whether that’s a hulking amazonian muscle mommy warrior or a scrawny mage that could be blown over by the wind. The choice should be yours.
They aren’t dragons. But they shouldn’t be fighting in Visage. And I’ll die on that hill.
kind of defeats the purpose imo.
“I want to be a dragon and do dragon stuff but not be a dragon”
Like… what?
The aspects (and their flight) have been able to fight in their visage form since the beginning of wow. Particularly Chromie who never leaves her visage form unless she absolutely has to.
Typically the only time the Dragons fight in their dragon form is in big wide open areas where they have room to do so.
I’m fine with it because it’s established in lore that some dragons prefer to stay in their visage form as much as possible (like Chromie)