The Rebirth of Gnomeregan

It’s been 14 years since the sundering of the world, and the efforts to recover Gnomeregan and its citizens. Enough time has passed we can now rebuild the city and push the Troggs out of the city, forcing them back into the caverns of Dun Morogh and revealing a long lost section of the city which was discovered by Kelsey Steelspark and some of her RustBolt Resistance team.

A team comprised of Gnomes and Mechagnomes have formed a more elite version of G.E.A.R. (Gnomish Elite Aerial Rangers) called G.A.D.G.E.T. (Gnomish Armed Defense Guild of Elite Troops) now guards the entrance to Level 7, the most bottom layer of Gnomergan where danger is still a very real threat. Level 7 is filled with elements far more dangerous including all new bosses:

Crowd Crusher 1000 - An upgraded and deadly model based on its predecessor Crowd Pummeller 9-60

Volt Ron 220 - The master inventor of the Elecrtocutioner 6000, able to control electrical current in his shape shifting mechanosuit

MechanoBear - Much like the recently unearthed Mechanowolf, this giant robotic beast packs a huge punch, and similarly to the bravest of hunters can be tamed.

Tinkerer Burnfizzle - Former best friend to Mekgineer Thermaplugg. He was trapped in Level 7 by Thermaplugg in Cryostasis as a doublecross instead of sharing the power of taking over the world. Once unfrozen, this fire-throwing Tinkerer is the biggest threat yet to be faced in the depths of Gnomeregan (also setting the stage for the Tinkerer class specific to Gnomes and Goblins).

With the rest of Gnomeregan recovered and cleaned up, the entire city is now a bustling hub for Gnomes, Mechagnomes, and Goblins (cross faction city like Dalaran) where technology reigns supreme. During the recovery, a tram, not dissimilar to the one found in Ulduar is discovered, powered up, and taken for it’s first voyage in more than 300 years. The final destination? Mechagon City! Turns out this tram was built millennia ago, but sealed off by King Mechagon and his followers when discovered in an attempt to keep the outside world away.

Lastly, a new discovery in a northern wing of Level 2 has everyone on their toes and testing out another long hidden secret… Translocation Receptacles Initialized Portal System or T.R.I.P.S. Much like the old teleportation pads in Booty Bay, Ratchet, and Pandaria, this hub has 12 pads. Each pad leads to 6 key locations on Kalimdor and 6 more in the Eastern Kingdoms, making travel nearly instant. They are rumored to drop their riders near Titan Construct locations hidden throughout Azeroth over both main continents.

TL;DR - New cross faction city, brand new instanced version of Gnomeregan with a selector switch (like a Delve menu option) that allows you to select Cata or Current version, a new class Tinkerer, and a new transportation network making old content relevant again for budding adventurers.


would be interesting to get gnomeregan in a m+ rotation :wink:

i have vague memories of suffering in there. dark irons and mines or something.

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I think next expansion is a great opportunity to finally restore all abandoned/destroyed Eastern Kingdom cities back to life: Gnomeregan, Gilneas, Undercity and Silver Moon.


the gnomes should just build a mechanical flying city, no troggs up there.

Well, at least we know that Quel’thalas and Silvermoon are getting restored, and I have my fingers crossed for Gilneas. This was just me sitting here thinking up something “fresh”.

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Gilneas is restored after doing the quest chain in DF.

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yes, i know, i did it, but there is nothing there yet.
I’m talking about make those cities usefull and put some new content there.

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I’d love to see old zone city hubs rebuilt, also inaccessible places like Tazavesh made actual zones. Too many places have a dungeon in lieu of a fleshed out zone to explore.

I think for newer players we don’t really have a tie to a lot of those areas.

I didn’t mind helping restore the area but I think this would be a waste of time cause everyone will just end up going to Stormwind/Orgrimmar and (insert latest expansion main zone).

It could be worth them doing as a sweet gesture, though I’m doubt of their effort → player engagement in the suggestion.

Precisely this. We need an FP, vendors, and Inn, some more mailboxes, people walking through the city. Make EVERY big city feel like Suramar in Legion. Lived in, busy, and more visible for visitors.

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I think the problem is none of the new hub zones really flesh themselves out as fully realized cities or at least not ones you would really want to be in 24/7. Oribos: an airport, Boralus: ALMOST feels likes a lived in city and still has some people in it (could probably have used the Valdrakken/Dorngal city auction house and utilities treatment), Valdrakken has stuff but it’s also an end game zone for Dragon isles, Dornogal is close but we’ll see how full it is after, etc.

Also SW and Org are open to everyone by default, rather than having to unlock them via level and zone portals.

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As a gnome, I approve of this thread.

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Well, I approve of all gnomes, and all things Gnomish.

Tbh just build Gnomeregan 2 at this point. They’ve tried to retake it like 3 times now and something has gone horribly wrong every time. The place is clearly cursed

It’s their home. It’s like when someone gets hit by the same hurricane, tornado, etc… sure, some people move elsewhere, but most stay and rebuild. Not sure Aragorn could have ruled from anywhere but Minis’tirith. If we can claim Gilneas back from the Forsaken, surely Blizz can write a success story against some Troggs. :rofl:

I mean hey that’s fine…let the gnomes truly clean up and retake their city so they don’t have to share a home with Dwarves 24/7 but once they do maybe they help Gilneans fix up and make Gilneas usable too. Worgen been about as oppressed if not more than gnomes lately so only fair. I mean Horde’s supposedly going to fix up Silvermoon in Midnight and they might make Lordaeron work again as a Horde capital so…might work

i was just barely a legal adult when Cata came out, i feel so old lol :sob:

thanks for the reminder, mean OP

I wonder what happened to the only flying city in Warcraft’s history…

Gnomes must be pathetic builders, cause in 15 years the Hallowfall Arathi have built a huge underground area and they aren’t even as technologically inclined.

I know this is troll bait, but let’s enjoy it shall we? :wink:

The Hallowfall Arathi now fight a near-constant battle against Kobyss raiders emerging from the Undersea as well as from swarms of Nerubians from Azj-Kahet. The only reason they even ended up stranded there was because the Light went all Gilligan’s Island on them when they tried to sail across The Storming Sea (aptly named) to see out some visions the Arathi Emperor started having. Their best hope is a leader who is pretty much based on Gelbin Mekkatorque who is now the new King in Mechagon City and presides over all Gnome-kind.

Also, plot armor. The only reason the Gnomes have not fully recovered the rest of Gnomeregan is because of Alex and Ion not giving Gnomes… and other races, the time of day. Even the Forsaken and the Worgen were handed back their homes. We’ve been fighting for scraps since 2010 with Cataclysm, and they still glossed over Gnomes and their home city by adding Mechas. Don’t get me wrong, I love my little Allied Race, but I have been playing a Gnome since 2006 and would love to see them get just a bit of success.

I would love to see Gilneas thriving the same way Suramar does in Legion. Bustling streets, vendors, guards, and more. Every city should feel like it is thriving. But let’s be honest. You got Gilneas back in DF. They have not touched Gnomeregan since Cata… when Gilneas FELL and I made this Worgen :rofl:

I was 36 and married. I turned 50 this year. :wink: So you are in good company.

Well, it got sent to Northrend to keep it safe, then moved to Karazhan, then taken to the Broken Isles, and eventually made into lawn decoration on Khaz Algar. But, if nothing else, maybe we can abandon Gnomeregan entirely and make Mechagon City a hub.