It’s been 14 years since the sundering of the world, and the efforts to recover Gnomeregan and its citizens. Enough time has passed we can now rebuild the city and push the Troggs out of the city, forcing them back into the caverns of Dun Morogh and revealing a long lost section of the city which was discovered by Kelsey Steelspark and some of her RustBolt Resistance team.
A team comprised of Gnomes and Mechagnomes have formed a more elite version of G.E.A.R. (Gnomish Elite Aerial Rangers) called G.A.D.G.E.T. (Gnomish Armed Defense Guild of Elite Troops) now guards the entrance to Level 7, the most bottom layer of Gnomergan where danger is still a very real threat. Level 7 is filled with elements far more dangerous including all new bosses:
Crowd Crusher 1000 - An upgraded and deadly model based on its predecessor Crowd Pummeller 9-60
Volt Ron 220 - The master inventor of the Elecrtocutioner 6000, able to control electrical current in his shape shifting mechanosuit
MechanoBear - Much like the recently unearthed Mechanowolf, this giant robotic beast packs a huge punch, and similarly to the bravest of hunters can be tamed.
Tinkerer Burnfizzle - Former best friend to Mekgineer Thermaplugg. He was trapped in Level 7 by Thermaplugg in Cryostasis as a doublecross instead of sharing the power of taking over the world. Once unfrozen, this fire-throwing Tinkerer is the biggest threat yet to be faced in the depths of Gnomeregan (also setting the stage for the Tinkerer class specific to Gnomes and Goblins).
With the rest of Gnomeregan recovered and cleaned up, the entire city is now a bustling hub for Gnomes, Mechagnomes, and Goblins (cross faction city like Dalaran) where technology reigns supreme. During the recovery, a tram, not dissimilar to the one found in Ulduar is discovered, powered up, and taken for it’s first voyage in more than 300 years. The final destination? Mechagon City! Turns out this tram was built millennia ago, but sealed off by King Mechagon and his followers when discovered in an attempt to keep the outside world away.
Lastly, a new discovery in a northern wing of Level 2 has everyone on their toes and testing out another long hidden secret… Translocation Receptacles Initialized Portal System or T.R.I.P.S. Much like the old teleportation pads in Booty Bay, Ratchet, and Pandaria, this hub has 12 pads. Each pad leads to 6 key locations on Kalimdor and 6 more in the Eastern Kingdoms, making travel nearly instant. They are rumored to drop their riders near Titan Construct locations hidden throughout Azeroth over both main continents.
TL;DR - New cross faction city, brand new instanced version of Gnomeregan with a selector switch (like a Delve menu option) that allows you to select Cata or Current version, a new class Tinkerer, and a new transportation network making old content relevant again for budding adventurers.