Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

Yep. But Dracthyr aren’t them. Dracthyr are dragonmen experiments. They aren’t dragons.


Because you chose Dracthyr.

Stick by your choices or race change.


its not a choice when there the only race that can be evokers. nobody likes the dracthyr race. look at how nobody plays other classes as a dracthyr. thats all the proof needed


This is false.

This is also false.


turns out people like being able to wear armor mogs more than just being a near-naked lizard, generally speaking.


wait, dracthyr can fly in visage form?

how stupid is that.

Yeh but thematically it can’t be done, ‘humans’ can’t breath fire. I couldn’t care less, but it still takes away from the fantasy of it.

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My own personal opinion (you asked), if you want to play Dracthyr you need to be in Dragon form for combat. Just like Worgen combat forces wolf form. If you want to be Human or Blood Elf in combat, roll Human or Blood Elf.


They can’t. They can glide but soar transforms them back to dragon form.


I don’t remember ever being upset when they added more options to the game. More ways for people to play the game they want. More transmog choices, race choices, hair, skin, and eye choices. More options for us to play the way we each individually enjoy.


there not. just because you say it is doesnt mean it is regardless of how much you hope its true. its sub 1% for other classes as dracthyr. this is the worst race they have added even more so than mechagnomes cause more people play that. the only reason it seems like more people are playing dracthyr is cause the evoker class is tied to the race and people like the race. if they opened it up to other races i bet dracthyr would go down to sub 2% while evokers would go to double digit %

some people are unhappy when others are happy


Visage form is great, I love the customization options and the racials are really nice QoL for several classes.

Lizard form… could be deleted from the game and hardly anyone would miss it. It would be nice if they remove the restriction of no visage from Evoker. Until then, I’m never playing that class.


It’s factual information that there are people who like the race (I am one of them) and that there are people playing other classes as Dracthyr— including some people on this very forum who race changed to Dracthyr.


And I will be one of them if and when they allow them to be druids because they have the best looking male race I’ve ever seen in wow. (Besides the Kyrian who will never be playable.)

Until them I will be loud and obnoxious about wanting Dracthyr Druids every chance I get so I can finally play a male character I enjoy looking at.

(Although I wish they had a bit more cake down there in visage form, they’re kind of flat as pancakes.)

I do wish though that you could choose to display your visage or your dracthyr form on the forums/main menu.

For me, if I get Dracthyr Druids, 90% of my time will be in visage form but I will use the dragon occasionally for roleplay or for flying if I want a break from flight form.

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Because it stops being World of Warcraft.


Blizzard included visages with Dracthyr, and since I have zero interest in the evoker class, and they added combat in visages for non-evokers I actually don’t have to do either of these things, sorry dude.


I really like Dracthyr’s deviant art oc visage. Although they share a skeleton with male blood elves and female humans they are unique and have really cool appearance options.

From that perspective I kind of get it.


Its only as disastrous to make it impossible to use tmogs in their normal form, and not put ANY effort into allowing multitude of choices of Visage Forms like the dragonflights are capable of. It doesn’t help that when it comes to tmogs, the TWO we’re allowed, often doesn’t mix and match very well. Hell, the ENTIRE expansion we had that was about dragons, Dracthyr, and all things that was a refreshing change of pace for the better, majority of the tmogs you get (Namely dragonflight specific armors) don’t even colormatch with Dracthyr’s customization armor… HOW!? That’s just not acceptable and why we’re better off having full customization.

While its neat and all to allow people to decide they should be able to choose but its partly because being a slim lizard with such limited appearance choices outside of customization is not ideal. Then same goes for those who prefer being a slim lizard with wings because partly due to the only be stuck with flavor of scaled elf/human with elf ears. And if they’re capable of putting little effort into making it possible to not allow full tmog for the Dracthyr, they can at least put half the effort to allow us to change into any race as our visage form and call it a day, slapping horns, draconic eyes, and even scales on bare skinned races onto them…

Don’t get me wrong, I love playing Dracthyr but coming from a RP server, appearances tend to be important for us too and often we don’t want to rely on visage forms to make it work… And maybe, just MAYBE… This would make Dracthyr downright popular if given these feature from the very beginning (Or throughout their development, in cases like Visage. After all, they’re just Evokers for a good while for Lore reasons).

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The numbers would probably be different if they could mog more than 2 slots. My rogue will stick as a lizard forever, but man, there are only 2 shoulders and belts in my entire wardrobe that match the barmorshop color I want to use.

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Not sure what all’s been said in the full thread, but my main is now a Drac’thyr Hunter, and I’m nearly always in visage form. I love it, because I’ve been horde for a very long time, but wanted to work through the Alliance side, and there’s no real alternative to that ‘look’, the blood elf style look on the Alliance side, without turning blue half the time, which is ridiculous. And I dig the extra hair options, I still do sometimes utilize the DT form (with mail the look/feel options are nice) and I love being able to levitate/glide down whenever I need to.

I’ve been very happy with this option. I left my BE hunter of like 15 years and haven’t really looked back.